HP Sauce

Unless Taft himself is using the word incorrectly. But yes, it is a bit jarring.

With a dash of Phillip K Dick, a la "We Can Build You".

I just bought a copy of The Postman Always Rings Twice for a friend, and the front blurb is by Dashiell Hammett, who calls it "a good, swift, violent story". Everyone's doing it nowadays. Or back in the 30s. Whenever.

I used to hang out at the Ball Hall, but that was something entirely different.

Yeah, the D used to be standard on all British pool tables, but they changed the rules a few years back to only use the line. At least I think that's what happened. As you say, we all just play different rules.

They gave that a Pulitzer? I got to gets me one of those!

Did someone mention my name?

Can we talk about Journey of the Sorcerer?

If you're really subversive, ask him for an "E".

Davey Graham is/was a genius. He always sounds as if he's playing about three guitars at once. And he was indeed a massive influence on Jansch, more akin to a mentor really.

Murnau's Nosferatu could do with bringing down a peg or two.

The plasticness?

Dissapointing indeed!

Probably best to avoid Koski's upcoming Better Late Than Never feature then…

Shit roll loves the corps (core?) so much he doesn't even get paid. What about the paycheck? It's a fortune, you know!

Strategic present buying is the way to go. My niece and nephew are getting series/season 2 of the Muppet Show as part of their haul this year. It's a stealth present that they'll most likely ignore (probably too young) but that their uncle will use to take the edge of the Christmas ennui.

Did you ask for them, or were they just dropping a particularly unsubtle hint that you should go out and get a job and stop moping round the house stealing the chocolates off the tree?

I'm a Dunlop 0.88 man myself. There's something about that combination of drab grey and very good grip that appeals to the no-nonsense guitarist in me.

Here's one, "Oh, California!" by David Ackles, from his American Gothic album.

Agreed, Hamburglar. It's so good I immediately emailed a link to my friend.