Einstein von Brainstorm

Seriously? Perez Hilton is MORE tolerable than Michael Bublé? What the fuck, AV Club?

PDN may not be completely on-target with his characterization of Christy's waitressing gig as a "dead-end, low-paying job", but I'm not sure he's wholly wrong, either. Waitressing at a higher-end restaurant may be a stepping stone to greater things for the ambitious, but Christy doesn't appear to be quite ambitious

No, they simply don't expect to be able to pay back the loans that covered the tuition.

"Yes, my sister's uterus came down with a baby."

- The one thing I agree with Sava on is that I'm willing to forgive the unlikelihood that Sheldon would leave his laptop behind, but only because it gave us the reveal of Amy being in his screensaver.

Probably because he didn't. They fooled around, but he blew his load when she was trying to help him get the condom on, and that was the end of that.

You're probably thinking of Nick GAS, which was an awesome channel that ran all of Nickelodeon's game shows. It was finally axed in favor of splitting The N off of Noggin a few years ago.

TeenNick's "90's are all that" was full of empty promises

This past April Fools Day when Teen Nick aired a half-hour of the mayo jar from "Wacky Deli" followed by "Wacky Deli" itself may have been the greatest hour of television ever.

Like they wanted to? Did he hold her tight, baby, all through the night?

Ah crap, I forgot about that. Actually, I sort-of remembered the CDC episode after I posted that, but I misremembered it being that for some reason they couldn't communicate with the rest of the world, so they just assumed it was worldwide.

It's the most logical way for it to end. Like the review said, it's not as if there's going to be a cure for the zombie virus, so the show will probably end with the remaining survivors finally being overtaken by the hordes of undead. Painfully predictable, but it seems like they've written themselves into that

Like everyone else, I'm willing to forgive the wild string of coincidences that comprised this episode's plot. However, to me, the one-on-one between Sherlock and Graham at the end of the episode felt too much like a forced PSA about how you should talk to someone if you're the victim of abuse. I was half-expecting

I'm not ashamed to admit that I watch this mainly to see Maggie Lawson running around in shorts and tank tops.

I watched the first episode of Hostages.  I didn't really want to; I didn't want to get into another drama, and I had a hard time conceiving of a way they could stretch this premise out over a 13-episode season.  (It might work in a 3- or 4-episode miniseries, though.)  However, other people in the house were giving

I wonder if Beverly made up the spanking story (possibly with Penny's help) as part of the mind-fuck the two women were pulling on Leonard?

Sure, if it's the Nietzsche Family Circus.

Obligatory xkcd:

Not only is she unapologetic for ruining her daughter, but she appears to be in denial that her substance abuse problems had anything to do with Christy's crappy childhood and how badly she turned out.  Isn't that one of the 12 steps?  Also, Bonnie seems pretty smug about being a better (grand)mother to Violet and

So many quotable lines tonight.