
"Ballers' Rob Corddry" is such a silly dumb (I'm assuming) joke, it's like something from Hollywood Handbook. Which is to say I'm 100% okay with it.

Hoing for a crossover with that Indie fild from last year - You, Me, Earl, and The Dying Girl, and The Apocalypse

Yeah, and now the Oscars are taking their own steps to remove the antiquated dinosaurs in the Academy who caused this problem.

Maybe I'm being overly cynical, but I really can't get behind a sketch calling out the lack of diversity at the Oscars when SNL has been called out on its own lack of diversity on several occasions. It's funny how SNL can act all high and mighty about diversity when they're part of the problem.

That's my bad, I forgot the crossover of CBB fans and Childrens' Hospital fans isn't 100%

So sad to see Paul Scheer in one of his final appearances. Gone far too soon I say. Fuck gastric bypass surgery

I thought maybe it was a movie about De Niro getting mud on his pants when he went for a walk, boy was I wrong

As far as I'm concerned, Playing House is the most underrated show on television. Love JSC and LP, so I'm thrilled that there's going to be another season!

It's pretty cool how these days a Keegan Michael Key guest spot is just a given for anybody with a single camera sitcom

It would make me so happy if Hot Saucerman brought back 'Who Said It?' even if just once more. The theme song he stitched together is great, and the fact that it always ended in him doing a hacky Michael Jackson impression with the quote attributed to Obama is always funny

One of Claudia's eps certainly deserved a spot over the episode with the guy who donated to The Widow Kulap's Indie GoGo, which it seemed was only voted in because it featured Daly, Lapkus and PFT (It's not like the civilian guest brought anything to the episode).

It really speaks to how funny O'Doherty and Neil Campbell are that they managed to make the episode funny in spite of Torquill and Amy not really playing along with the improv and mostly just deconstructing it.

It would've been nice to see Playing House get a spot in the top 40 #turnaround

His Facebook says he is single :(

His Facebook page says he's single :(

Holy shit, I'm legitimately finding it hard to process everything that happened in this episode. For me this cements Nathan For You as the best thing on television currently, as well as the most ambitious by a mile.

Maybe it's sticking out more because of how recent the ep is, but I'd love to get Sonny and Chazmin on the show (maybe with Maslany as the main guest?)

Oh wow, I am an idiot. I even looked at the track listing but somehow missed it because she didn't include the weird Intercapitalization

R.I.P. Terrorist Wittels

Excited to give this a listen. I am floored that she released something as good as 'REALiTi' but wrote it off as not good enough for the album. This has to be good.