
American Girl by Estelle is such a great song, it's crazy that she completely disappeared after that.

I don't know about a downer lineup this year for Field Trip…BSS, Feist and Phoenix + BBNG, Thundercat, Portugal, and Tribe is a very solid grouping for one of the less expensive festival's that has built in restrictions by mostly recruiting their own artists. Plus Field Trip has amazing non-music experiences that

such a good line read

She's only in this season a small amount, but every time she shows up Paula Pell is subtly awesome.

Neil Casey's ep is so good. Honestly, even though all the requisite Earwolf all-stars appeared on Womp it Up (Mantzoukas, Daly, PFT) my 2 personal favourite episodes are Casey's and the one they did from NYC with Erik Tanouye (Listler is on fire in both) which are pretty under appreciated since they don't feature the

"this election…it's a real american horror story" - Kathy Bates, American Horror Story (2018)

Here's hoping Janelle Monae has some sort of involvement in the Prince tribute.

I wish I could find video of it, but when she was promoting whokill, she played 'Bizness' on Fallon and went all in on the D.I.Y. percussion aspect. I remember there glass Coca Cola bottles included in the setup, which was amazing.

it's the old wonder showzen school of exposing terrible parent-managers of child actors.

thought this was going to have more insights into the lives of improv comedians, but instead it was just scary stuff.

I love a gentle wake up, my go to's are Kurt Vile's Wakin' on a Pretty Day and Purity Ring's heartsigh. Had to Hear is a great one as well.

Paul Rust isn't Jewish though lol

Chris Bogeynell…OH. MY. GOD.

it makes me so sad to hear that robert d. siegel and jesse hassenger have never, ever met, not even once. i'm really pulling for a meeting to happen soon please guys.

Favourite small detail joke from this ep - at the end of the recreation of the first episode when the crew comes on, I'm pretty sure that Scott is talking to Neil Campbell, except Neil hair isn't so thin because they've gone back to 2011 before his famously thinning hairline kicked in

God I'm going to miss having this silly show in my life.


Holy shit the writing during the Janet pleading for her life scene was so Amram it hurts.

My guess is Scott's character will be a Ben Wyatt circa season 2 type character. He's some sort of administrator of The Good Place similar to Michael dealing with the fallout of Eleanor's confession that she doesn't belong there.

Always down for some Steph Allynne