
Yeah, I mean if they wanted to make it into a hangout show, that would be fine, I just don't think the writers are talented or funny enough to just do a hangout show. When they try, for the most part the plots revolve around the couples bickering incessantly.

A new baby might be recycled, but I dunno, at least with the Dunphys it would give the show new beats to hit upon. I just feel the MF writers couldn't pull off a season without a larger plot arc at this point, or else we would get a bunch of episodes ala 'Sleeper'

In that case, I hope so. They need to set up some kind of larger plot for next season. If the writers think they can get away with another season of treading water with the same recycled plots and travel episodes, then it's going to be a mess of a season.

So much for Chekhov's pregnancy.

About the Modern Family-esque closing monologue, I don't think think its necessarily the show delving into Modern Familyisms, but instead I think that was supposed to be a subtle dig at MF. The problem is this show seems to have a bad track record with tongue in cheek jokes (See: The title) and so what's supposed to

According to this well-written fanfic https://archiveofourown.org… (which I assume is canon) Phil lost his virginity before he started masturbating.

I am really bummed out that the suicidal Cameron fanfic ends so abruptly. I need to know that Cameron is dead!

Yeah, that one is pretty great. I especially love that they managed to incorporate some Luke - Camcorder shipping in there, because season 3 Luke would definitely have some footage on that camcorder that he would touch himself to.

That one is the best of the bunch.

I don't know if I would consider repeating a line from Childrens' Hospital, a show that airs late at night on Adult Swim with a cast known for bit parts in other more popular shows, to be a meme.

But what if…instead of punching a wall, he gave it a girly slap? Comedy!

I'm curious as to what will happen once Alex graduates high school. Are the writers actually going to commit to her only appearing via Skype? It's not like they can come up with some reason that Alex wouldn't leave home to go to school, and there's no explanation they could possibly come up with for Alex being kicked

The talk of Luke-Haley niche fan fiction made me look into MF fan fiction. This site (https://www.fanfiction.net/… has some great fanfics with hysterical plot synopsis such as:

But isn't it funny how effeminate his breakdown is? Like when he throws the baby bottle like a girl…because he's gay!!!!

For me the problem wasn't so much the product placement as the fact that they set up a handful of narratives, none of which went anywhere. Honestly when it got to the 18 minute mark in the episode and nothing had been resolved I thought it was a 2 parter. It really should have been, that way at least the narratives

The only thing in this episode that was funny was that Jay has picked up Phil's habit of when the phone rings he asks his kid a question to which the answer sounds like hello, and then picks up the phone and answers the question. That was a good callback/joke.

He didn't even come clean to Claire did he? I thought he passed off the opportunity once Claire's wedding ring was thrown into play (which makes that plot even more pointless). Then again I could've missed something, I was flatlining the whole episode