
The AV Club: Like having sex with your sister

I second this. "Under Pressure" is maybe worth a watch also if you want to see the show deliver some heart that it actually earns, instead of the usual schlock where everybody hates each other for 19 minutes, followed by a 1 minute half-baked resolution and a 1 minute treacly speech which they pass off for heart.

I watched the behind the scenes special some Australian network did for this episode, and the funniest part is when they teased what was to come after the commercial break with "Up next…Sofia Vergara in a swimsuit!"

I don't know what happened, but Baby Joe looked markedly different this week to the point that it was creepy. Seriously that kid looks like a doll, not a human being.

The House of Pies thing is some kind of weird inside joke I think. Every time Schwartz has been on Craig Ferguson's show, they refer to it as House of Pies.

I love how this episode implies that Jackie trusts Bert to take care of her taxes.

Also, new Trophy Wife directed by Ken Marino!

And then they would sing a cover of "POPULAR SONG" for tomorrow's YouTube click bait

Eric Andre brings The Eric Andre Show to CBS. Coming January 2015.

But where will I see Ben Schwartz riffing through a whole interview on late night television now? Did you think about that Craig Ferguson? Did you!

Now I want Jon Hamm and Jim O'Heir to do a duet of 'Giant Cock Connection' to the tune of The Muppets' 'Rainbow Connection'

He probably kept whipping out his big dick at inopportune times.

That was great, the way he peers into the shot was hysterical and I loved how Ben almost took his job back.

The moment where they brought back Barney from the insurance firm is where I absolutely lost it.

Favourite quote: "Give me a Joan. It's a tumbler of gin with crushed aspirin on the rim" delivered perfectly by Mo Collins (also followed by a great Perd line asking for an empty glass)

I've been thinking the same thing. Especially given the amount of complaining he does on his Twitter about underwear scenes/that wrestling one piece from a few episodes ago. It seems like Gould/his family/agent are pressuring the writers into doubling down on plots involving Luke hooking up to make up for him having

Fred Willard already died in space recently on REVIEW, I don't know if I could handle it happening again

I really wish the reveal would've been that the bikers were all bears. Missed opportunity there.

An F plot with Fred Willard just hanging out, mouth agape, on Bondi Beach is definitely something I would watch.

If Luke wanted to see boobs so bad, why didn't he just ask Manny to take off his shirt! Wubba dubba lub dub!