
I dunno… I expected more from Miike. This is merely a competent samurai action flick, with no themes/elements that have not been extensively explored in other samurai films. I was hoping for something more subversive than a one-dimensional evil overlord, scores and scores of interchangeable baddies to slash and hack

I just watched Paprika a few weeks ago… pure genius


usually at least one bit in a comedy trailer makes me chuckle… nope.

I hope Om and High on Fire open them…

I am so incredibly happy for this; i'll be catching the SF show!

this column has easily been the best on the site… you'll be missed

The cock-sucking motherfuckers!!

awesome live performance
Just saw them last week; kicked ass

REALLY confused about the absence of love for The Fountain and The Departed?! Other personal favorites (Into the Wild and Life Aquatic) are more understandably absent from either list…

ya much love for heller

Heller, your list is awesome; thanks for turning me on to wilderness

fuck ya; fantastic representation of the stoner/sludge/doom metal

fantastic… in my top 5 favorites; I don't think this article does justice to seventh seal's excellent portrayal of existential dread and the futility of the search for meaning

comes to all

ya this looks awful but I'll see it cuz I'm a sucker for 3d gimmicks

what the fuck am I spoofing?? http://www.theonion.com/con… is a perfect picture of one of my best friends (he was personally offended when I sent him a link to the vid). Talking about the nobel prize, he refused to even come close to admitting that hey maybe it might be a little premature to give the guy the award


I think I missed it… When did SF Decider disappear?? Any chance of it coming back? It was kinda awesome when it was around…