
and Echoes for Pink Floyd?!

I saw them at 'roo and it sucked balls. I left after 1.5 songs and watched MOE; my friends left MGMT after 3 songs and sat around the campfire. For the rest of the fest I kept hearing how wretched their set was… I do like that one song tho

ha awesome great list. But what about Popee?? That is by far the most whacked-out psychedelic kids-shit i've seen: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

For all you DOOM-metal fans, I heard that Southern Lord dominates the soundtrack… I love Jarmusch, but Boris, Sunn, and Earth are enough in themselves to make me go see this.

was about to say… sacrificing depth for breadth is "skipping from story to story without devoting too much time or energy to any one performer"

Hey Pipe, you are not a pipe.

I love this movie

3 awesome stoner rock bands: Earth, Earthless, Earthride

What about Billy Bob Thornton???? I thought the Boxmasters' lead singer/drummer was decent in Mr. Woodcock…

At the end of Ichi the Killer (SPOILER!) he chops off the kid's head, but by that time i was so numbed by the sliced tongue, boiling flesh, and severed nipples that I wasn't too shocked I guess… what a fucked up film that was…

shouldn't be "an" XXX parody instead of "a" XXX parody?

haha I've watched FLCL all the way through like 5 times now and still don't understand what's going on… there's just so much weirdness packed into every scene… so intriguing and addictive… one of my all time fav's

Seinfeld: Overrated
Curb: Underrated

Haha I have 500 in my Netflix list and about another 100 in a separate Word file on my hard drive :)

And the ONLY way to get into the Dead is by listening to their live jams… just go to archive.org and download anything you want…

I'm seeing the last scheduled DEAD show at the Gorge!! So happy!

" "Mediocrity" for Futurama is much, much better than most anything on television."

You know how Apatow likes to make those fake mini-skits to promote whatever movie he is working on where someone is interviewing or hanging out and then someone gets pissed off and there's a big fight or something? I'm hoping this trailer is like that - just a fake promotional item… when the movie comes out it will

Yay for SF!! how come this has taken so long?

IMHO, overall weak… All the good bands I've already seen… I'd probably just go the last day for MBV and Brian Jonestown Massacre… Then again Bonnaroo lineup in 3 days!!!