Melina Canaceraides

Did he, though?

I love Local Hero. Wedge Antilles runs a pub, Doctor Who is a corporate lackey and a Texas oilman decides not to fuck over the environment.

Three-way with Cumberbatch and Andrew Clutterbuck.

Sam: "So folks, where y'all from?"
Stranger: "Jes' moved from Nilbog." (Pisses in gumbo)

Good point. Maybe the nazis picked him up for intel.

I don't think he'd be awful in the DC Universe, but he should play Tommy Monaghan and it should actually be a Hitman movie. He could direct it too. Filmed in Bahstawn, with Idris Elba as Natt the Hatt, Eva Mendez as Tiegel and Mark Wahlberg as Tiegel's nazi grandpa.

Can anyone truly see Cremaster 3?

I can believe that, @avclub-39df51c015ce671b473b8cf5a306d217:disqus . The Matrix stuff in Spaced was quite uninspired, especially given how inventive they were with the other references. Though I seem to remember John "Sam Tyler" Simm popping up to charm Daisy.

Turns out he was actually the student professor McDowell (I don't remember the character name; season 4 didn't exactly stick with me, ok?) sexually harassed.

I rather enjoy 'For Your Eyes Only Too,' but it might be part nostalgia.

They were an effective team.

Short people got no reason
To live

This was the first I've ever heard of him. I had no idea "Somebody Made For Me" was a cover, I thought The Merrymakers wrote it themselves. Anyway, thanks for the tip!

"what are you gonna do?"

"Essentially it was Paul being a petulant child, saying if you don't like my inane songs I'll show you and write the most inane song ever."

What do you expect after years of crypto-Kenyan communism? THANKS OBAMA

So I guess this is really it for HE, then. Maybe Eliza Coupe could join Community for season 5? She could go undercover at Greendale or something.

I'm sure he can beat this.

I had to head over to read. Holy fuck, that's funny.