Melina Canaceraides

"Hey, as long as it's not Brown!" (Laughs.)

OT, but it's strange to think there was a time when Peter Hyams could afford light in his movies.

Hey, if people wanted somewhat original movies, Inception would've been a hit.

Part of my biggest hang-up iwth Coupling, I think, is that they all seem to speak in mostly the same voice, not unlike Kevin Smith's characters. Also too, that last season sucked.

Perish the thought, @avclub-ff8ee1d5c84a9aede7a54344151622cd:disqus , but a lesser person might make the unreasonable assumption that these people are full of shit.

Sniperland Express

I have no problem picturing Randians turning into Gungans after a few decades of inbreeding.

Thankfully, Jeff Goldblum figured out how to defeat them 1005 years earlier.


I'm sure someone has already posted this, but if not, here's the new fucking doctor:

Grizzly mamas.


I will testify to it being pretty fun. As a tour of Christianity, it was really well done. As a museum dedicated to true things that happened, not so much. The opening room's musings on archeology was enough to give me the giggles. If you're ever in the area, it's a must-see, especially for non-believers.

I'd pay to see that cross-over.

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus He does look like enjoys a hearty meal. Which, of course, could spell trouble for finishing the series.

@avclub-6eee520b390220bbb4ac1911caf8f4d5:disqus There's a deleted scene where he serenades them with  popular Westeros chestnut "Thou shalt never walk alone".

I was hoping the minstrel would sing "My own grandpa" in the background, but alas.

It's Pulp Fiction with soul. If you have soul, you don't need literacy.

Hopefully, Chris Coyley will be around to enlighten us soon.

The whole thing was a best-of Shane Black. Robert Downey Jr. Christmas time. Helicopter assassins. Shoot-out on an oil tanker. Buddy cop bickering. Also, Guy Pearce = Gay Perry with additional flaming.