Melina Canaceraides

Those were simpler times. Now we use sub-contractors for that sort of thing.

Maybe he can do an exposé on Greendale.

I saw him in Oslo a few years ago. A gorgeous, sunny and warm summer day. He looked like he just rolled out of bed, wore a duffel coat and chain-smoked through the whole performance. There was also mumbling going on. It was great.

Marshall Eriksen and The Proclaimers would like a word.

I agree, they're treading water in a big way now.

I saw it with a friend on a Sunday afternoon when we were both extremely hung over. In hindsight, probably not the best idea.

Barenholtz is one of the producers, isn't he? "This episode needs more … me!"

Saw them in Oslo on that tour. The midnight sun rendered light show somewhat underwhelming. Hardly the band's fault, of course, but still. Between that and a terrible GnR show the same year, I gave up on stadium shows for 2 decades.

Nowadays, he probably prefers talking about salvation. Though in fairness, if Prince knocked on my door with some Jehova's Witnesses literature, I'd be in something of a quandary.

I think maybe in the comic book version? I have vague memories of reading it at 8 or 9, with them passing through the black hole at the end, to enter the Savage Land or something like that.

Another apologist here. I even wrote some praising words about Joel on my Posterous blog, which is possibly why Twitter shitcanned the service.

You can just look back over your shoulder.

"Escape from Woonsocket: Free Buddy"

Buscemi looked surprisingly good in drag on 30 Rock, @avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus , so it might be worth a shot.

Rad or GTFO.

I've been waiting a long time for a Condorman remake.

Most people forget reading it, too.

I have a hard time imagining it being worse than the LouLou collab, but then again, I find Ja Rule pretty damn awful.

I thought it was dr. Spaceman, but didn't see Parnell's name in the credits.

I was listening to the Proopcast before bed a few weeks back, and woke my SO up with a groan when he announced he was recording the day before we arrive in London… sigh. Anyway, I hope you have fun!