Melina Canaceraides

I'll admit it: the "fictory" line cracked me up.

He seemed as disinterested as Chase here.

I miss him. He was funny, and his "it's true. I'm very lonely." in one of his final appearances broke my heart.

I never thought I'd say it, but this comment system may be worse than that of the Gawker network.

The recent Nerdist interview was pretty hilarious, especially when Hamill impersonated Ford. It sounded spot-on.

Inevitable gimmick musical episode: "Rave of the Fireflies".

I hear Altavista is a popular search portal to visit.

This led to an amusing joke, related by Evan Hunter in his novella on writing the script for "The Birds":

Deleted, as it was meant as a response to Cliffy's post. Sorry.

He's a Jehovah's Witness now, I think. Goes door to door with literature and believes gays will burn in hell. (The door-to-door thing could be a myth, I suppose, but I sort of hope it isn't.)

Romandingo fights?

Who knew it'd be HIMYM that finally solved the question of where Sam ended up?

Anyone else wonder if he'd be carted off to an unseemly end at the hands of aliens?

I'm sure Butler's will find his "In Bruges" among his upcoming projects "Dynamo", "Thunder Run" or "Hunter Killer".

To be honest, I've wondered if he's maybe had a small stroke or something like that. I saw him in "A bunch of amateurs" with Derek Jacobi and Imelda Staunton a few years ago. It was a perfectly amiable, if unmemorable, way to kill a Sunday afternoon, the sort of light comedy vehicle that should be perfect for

That's just what a heteronormative, patriarchal, cisgender mansplainer would say.

Cast John Noble as a jedi master and I'm a happy camper.


I'm always impressed by how good garage bands playing together for the very first time tend to sound.