Violet Crumbles

Couple things:
1. If Billy and Miley collaborated on a record I'd give it a full listening party the second it hit Spotify

I've listened to In Search Of… more times than I have any Beatles album and I shan't apologize for it. Defiantly yours, Violet Crumbles, recording secretary of the Chad Hugo preservation society, high school class of 2003

Probably helps that I have the TV Plot Development Prediction skills of a mollusk, but: I LAUGHED, I CRIED. VALERIE CHERISH 4EVER


Man oh man the way my eyes narrowed when I was like "is this guy about to dance around the fact that the Sunday show he got tickets to was HAR MAR SUPERSTAR AND THE PIZZA UNDERGROUND." My apologies for doubting you

I legit can not believe that that blurb was written by a woman. I had an image in my head of a twerp with a Civil War beard, waxed 'stache tips, and at least one artisanally-crafted hatchet in his possession and I refuse to let it go.

I think I might actually cry if confronted with an actual count of the number of times I've re-listened to the Samberg/Pally CBBs and had the thought "Pally is funnier, but Samberg is clearly a way less awful human being, too bad" like it was the first time it ever occurred to me

Also the leads look like brother and sister

Adore forever, Wet N Wild black nail polish 4 lyfe

I so hope that's what the nurse suspects her friend is doing that he isn't telling one about. I know it's not her area of expertise, but some people just set off your snakedar loud and clear

I like gingers and there was a time when I went to the gym at 5:30 PM so often that I started to see what somebody might see in 90s Jerry Seinfeld, and still you should see the number of brand new lil baby frown lines etched into the corners of my mouth by this comment

Especially once word gets out that Bob Fioretti actually went to A.V. Fest!!!!



My Robin Williams story is that I never saw Hook or Jumanji, I was the A.A. Dowd of second grade and told everyone Mrs. Doubtfire wasn't funny, I half-watched One Hour Photo on a group date in high school where everyone turned out to be gay, I had running jokes about What Dreams May Come, Bicentennial Man, and Jakob

When Dumb Starbucks was in the news I told a friend from work that the guy behind it was a Celebrity Crush™ of mine, and I truly believe that I would have gotten a less disgusted reaction if I'd told her I was into watching YouTube videos of people popping cysts

I would really want Ilana Glazer in this if I thought it was going to be even like 65% good