Violet Crumbles

Unironic agreement

By the way, considering how obviously the site redesign was done with the mobile experience in mind, I have to say that it absolutely fucking blows to try and post a comment from my phone. If this bitchy comment isn't totally coherent it's because the comment field froze up and I can't go back to edit what I wrote

This song was used to soundtrack a montage on Andy Richter's last episode of Late Night, which is how it ended up on a lot of early-00's high school mix CDs curated by Young Violet Crumbles, which is why it feels so right to me to see this right next to the DMX post

I saw this show the other night and WWE was the exact reference I used when describing it to people who would never attend a pop concert in a football stadium

On The Run follows the unusual journey of an otherworldly woman with seductive powers, draws on twelve years worth of the stars' real life history, and, spoiler alert, features really fun appearances from a CGI squirrel and Stan Lee, sooooooooo

Happy birthday, Jay-Z

Being tricked into googling for Frank Darabont's original draft of the Everybody Loves Raymond pilot is still my #1 fave rave AV Club memory

Totally love the idea that only a blue-collar (ugh!) yobbo like Deanna Isaacs could be opposed to giving over a chunk of the lakefront to George Lucas' collection of 20th-century pop ephemera. I genuinely dig George Lucas as a philanthropist, obsessive weirdo nerd, and destroyer of other obsessive weirdo nerds' souls,

That one sucks but it doesn't make my clutch my head in despair like the current model. The star swirl is a totally thoughtless, generic This Is 2005 POS, but the current guy is the exact kind of lame-ass logo that always makes me feel like it's Monday morning and I'm taking a fresh look at a spectacular turd that I

I am forced to retire to my fainting couch every time I am reminded that that logo exists

Speed Racer forever and ever.

If the Pearls Before Swine guy asked you to draw some shit for his strip wouldn't you be like "eh, it's a busy week?" Crazy!

DOWN WITH LOVE forever!!!!!!

I listened to this while walking home last week and when Todd was considering whether "Buddy Holly" might be U2 I sat down on a park bench and cried laughing.

Middle-aged progressives are the reason Andy Borowitz draws a steady paycheck, which is the worst thing I've ever said about anyone

As a youngster I loved Fun Alan Moore and Fun Grant Morrison pretty much exactly the same; maybe I gave a slight edge to the former but there was way more of the latter to choose from. As an adult I ain't got time to pick sides between two old British goofballs who both definitely leave the crotches of their favorite

I am at the point where I feel ok saying that Aaron Sorkin is only useful to me as a writer of entertaining Oscar bait. If he quit The Newsroom tomorrow to devote his life to three-star Difficult White Genius awards season also-ran screenplays I'd become his biggest fan.

Critics who dig on post-OKC Radiohead are on the verge of aging out of the business. I wouldn't be surprised if Carrie was like 24.

Finding out Mick Collins is a furry = one of my most cherished AV Club memories