Violet Crumbles

One extremely pressing issue in my life as a 29-year-old woman is that I can't really follow a subbed episode of Sailor Moon on Hulu while working on a PowerPoint and drinking a bottle of wine on my couch


The matter-of-factness of this reply is so delightful

If I had been at the office or in public when I reacted to this headline people would wonder if the President was dead

On OkCupid I look for boys who like Broad City and Zadie Smith, girls who like Louie and Philip K. Dick, and anyone who likes 30 Rock, Kanye, and Carson McCullers. Basically I'm hunting for a better-dressed version of myself.

Ice fucking cold

Something must be done if Kate McKinnon doesn't end up playing Hillary in the 2016 election season

If you saw my face when the scrum board popped up you'd think I was watching a live execution

I feel as though I've aged out of knee-jerk Earnest Pop Culture hater mode and yet I cackle like Broom-Hilda at happy hour whenever I scroll past that picture

Is there a reason why this article wasn't accompanied by instructions as to how one might win free tickets to an AV Club-sponsored screening of the Alan Partridge movie at the Music Box?? Just when I was ready to let a HateSong into my heart! Thanks Obummer!!

Oh, I mean his transcendentally doofy manner in this interview, not his singing voice. But sure, make a sitcom character who sounds like a monster puppet, that is actually also a good idea.

If you are a minor celebrity who reads the AV Club and you make it down to this comments section: I am pleading with you to rip this guy's voice off wholesale to create a dirtbag teenage boy supporting character in a TV show or movie or something

Every day that I wake up and Billy & Courtney aren't back together and costarring in a reality show about their lives it's like what even is the point

Turbo crush on Ilana

'Oooh-la-zzzzzz' is Jay Sherman-level

I really hope the script is just like three cobbled-together Da Vinci's Demons specs with a find-and-replace job run on it

I hate to mention it, but Salma Hayek is already part of the Happy Madison onscreen Wives & Girlfriends club. So yes, Rob Schneider in a stick-on unibrow.

I made an audible Neanderthal noise of dismay when I read that first line

Yeah, I'm a fan of Marah and of top 40 on the AVC, but Hear This articles are just blurbs tagged onto a YouTube video. Nobody currently living has missed out on or forgotten about this song. Totally bizarre choice

Lorelei Linklater is a fantastic name. Bet you didn't know about Superman's ex who runs a successful Etsy shop.