Violet Crumbles

I don't have a caption, I just want to share the fact that I legit thought that was David Sedaris when scrolling down the frontpage

Malkmus on S/T cover = Foxasaurus Rex

It's Peak AV Club. I actually shook my head while reading this one.

I'm not watching this show but I keep checking in on the recaps because I used to live down the block from his restaurant and it was always my go-to Nice Dinner place. That's my dude!

Marry, boff, kill: Adam McKay, Todd Phillips, Judd Apatow

I can't believe the 90s alt rock Very Special Christmas favored by Scott Agro's science teacher came out in 1997 - I was thinking '94 or '95 even though I'm not sure I knew No Doubt from Adam before 1996. Feelin like a regular Goldberg right now

1. I really need to watch Black Mirror
2. I want to put it out there that my regular voice probably sounds like a hammy actress doing a condescending midwestern mom character
3. Before I say that I momentarily seriously thought that they for some reason had a text-to-voice bot reading Todd's commentary for this video

Happened to me wIth a Burger King riblet sandwich poster

I can not believe Do No Harm was a thing that existed and I super can't believe that promo poster was a thing that existed. Lucas Lee is doing network tv already?

I never thought he had the range to do justice to the Clock Tower Resort water park

Chris Brown is a raging POS who needs years of therapy, but he can dance. I bet Henry Cavill doesn't actually have heat vision. Ever think of that?

Dadaist twaddle sounds dope as shit.

Eric Andre is my religion but not every TV show needs a weekly recap/review. Like, maybe none of them do.

God grant me the strength to make it through this weekend without dropping ten bucks in a bar with a digital jukebox to play that Nick Lachey album in its entirety

What if you were just some dope with a goofy haircut and David Fucking Bowie wanted to do backing vocals on your band's new song. Wouldn't that be some shit.

Kelis has been amazing since the Clinton administration, you wretch!!!

I hope tomorrow's illustration continues the tradition of including one non-usual suspect figure identifiable only by their anime haircut

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to write critical analyses of the first nine episodes of The Goldbergs

I still can't get over this new site. The progress bar offends me as a designer, the counterintuitive frontpage layout offends me as a human being just trying to get through life, and even if I were self-employed I wouldn't want to risk a giant How I Met Your Mother press still on my monitor at work. Not to be too

This is 100% true: I played the video of Rob Ford talking about how he's got more than enough pussy to eat at home on my huge work monitor with the sound on and a couple of people crowded around my desk, and I still seriously cringed when I clicked on today's Podmass and there was suddenly a fucking roadside billboard