Violet Crumbles


Honestly, the main reason that I clicked on this review is that I was gonna raise hell if a guy was responsible for the eye-roller of a tagline on the front page ("alt-country vixen"!)

You keep Max's name out of your mouth

Hot cover art!

Really glad that the Council of Conservative Citizens was willing to stand up for the racially pure creative vision of all those Aryan knights who worked at Marvel Comics in the 60s

Dawg you knew full well it was called "She Don't Use Jelly."

Rabin in Rogers Park would be a fabulous name for the AV Club fanfic mystery novel I'm definitely not going to write for NaNoWriMo, no, never, not me

Any one of those names alone would make a perfect name for an intelligent talking mouse who likes to read. When you stack them together it seems borderline perverse that they should be given to a human man.

This chick is the cat's PJs

W. Kamau Bell can't quite keep a straight face looking at this comment


Straight up chortled at that picture

Tipsy forever. YO I GOT A FAKE ID THO

A horrifying window into the diseased mind of the American NME reader

I would laugh so fucking hard if it turned out to be a dream. The finale can earn an A from me either by straightforwardly achieving an A or by pulling a true F minus-minus-minus, like really really bad, LOST not Seinfeld.

You say that like it's a bad thing

I went on vacation in London this year - I was shocked to learn that the pubs near my hostel closed down at 11 and, I dunno, simultaneously even more shocked and not shocked at all to learn that the patrons of said pubs were exactly as drunk at 11 PM as people in Chicago are at 3 AM.

Ellen Wong was FABULOUS and should have gotten A Career out of that movie. Everyone I've watched it with has loved her performance. Scott Pilgrim forever and ever.

I want the sequel to the Wikileaks movie to be a Latino Review movie. I'm almost not kidding. I will settle for a Latino Review SVU episode.