Violet Crumbles

You can see how Leonard Pierce got confused

hot chick

This ol' rascally rabbit.

That cover art looks like it came in third place in a fan competition

I took an exacto knife to my monitor and cut that You Made It Weird episode summary out of it so it wouldn't be on the internet anymore

Being surprised that Ted Leo played a cheesy Chicago street festival is like being surprised that Garfield had lasagna for dinner. It's not like everyone at Do-Division is Eustace Tilley in cutoff jorts.

I also warmed up to Vampy Weeks this year, I even liked that Blurred Lines cover which objectively speaking should probably be illegal.

Everyone commenting on this thread lives on the Internet.

I like Mikal Cronin a lot better live than on record. I also like that he somehow devolved from this into someone's eighth-grade boyfriend from 1997, it's a look that's working for me.

Blurred Lines forever, you dum-dums.

I saw the young lady with the tattoo pictured in this Marah Eaks tweet at Pitchfork. I think maybe all along I've had a Spidey sense that tells me when someone is secretly an adult baby and this was just the first time it's ever been triggered.

I'm trying to decide whether the LaRouchies of boy band fandom were O-Town partisans or people who got too into the 2+Gether soundtrack


I'm just happy that my Jude Law/Mike Birbiglia freak genetic splice project has found a hobby that does not entail seeking violent revenge on his creator

I can't really disagree with this, but in a universe where millions of dollars are being spent on a Guardians of the Galaxy movie, does anything mean anything anymore? Scarjo and the Ruff were easily my favorites from the Avengers movie - give them both expensive bombs for my viewing pleasure!



I visited this place while following an old self-guided architecture tour map and also immediately recognized it from The Artist (which occupies a similar place in my life as it does in yours), although I didn't bother to double-check and kind of wrote it off as "I'm probably just one of those ignorant building-ists

They kinda look like they were rush jobs so I don't wanna be too much of a dick. But if Mike D'Angelo is sitting on the fence about asking for a redo on his, even though I don't know what Mike D'Angelo actually looks like, he has my full support.