Violet Crumbles

I saw and enjoyed a ton of Classic Movies as a lil babby but I haven't seen any of them in probably over a decade. I think the earliest childhood fave I've rescreened and loved most recently is Clueless.

It's written and directed by the screenwriter of Drumline so like a salmon drawn back to its freshwater birthplace I will inevitably end up homing in on it on cable at the least

On Saturday I went to see Jen Kirkman do standup and heard somebody say "PFT" out loud, then I went to a Titus Andronicus concert and heard somebody say "Nathan Rabin" out loud. Can anyone recommend a good faith-based therapy program that will help me escape this diseased lifestyle?

I just imagined somebody listening to every episode of Doug Loves Movies in an effort to fully grasp the DLM mythos and my roommate had to check in on me to make sure I hadn't just learned my parents were dead

The Phantom Tollbooth actually edges it out as the first (awesome) chapter book I ever read, but Matilda is about a put-upon girl, so you know.


I laughed like a disgusting fucking trash heap at the guy on the Best Show who didn't know about Tom Hanks' WWII obsession. "Like what?"

The Aristocats!

This isn't totally divorced from reality…

On Wednesday or Thursday, can't remember when, I had my quarterly sighting of Nabin in the wild at a screening of Ishtar. Midway through the trailers his party was joined by Tasha Robinson, or maybe just another woman named Tasha, who knows, it was dark and I was sitting a few rows ahead. A couple days later they were

I can't believe this only lasted seven episodes, I feel like I watched it all the time for multiple years.

Look at that precious face

Dental plan

Like, the expressions they're wearing in that promotional screenshot…that's me going "Craig Robinson, Kerry Washington, David Alan Grier…oh, the director wrote Drumline…how bad could that be?" On the bus in the morning, waiting for my Lean Cuisine to cook at lunch, lying in bed at night. Tick tock, tick tock. David

I didn't watch this episode but I've spent a lot of time this week contemplating whether Craig Robinson's new movie could be ok

"Ooh he's gonna miss the last season of Breaking Bad" - an actual thought I had while reading Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Twitter

This is the next stage in the cycle of abuse that originated in the comments on Reasonable Discussions podcasts

I think everyone in 2003 was in danger of having Har Mar Superstar appear in their lives unannounced.

It's probably like how in 1942 every chucklehead comic book artist with a fountain pen could do fancy lettering but now it's like Chris Ware or  nobody, we just let the skill die out because we thought we didn't need it. I blame working mothers.

"Eh" is a spoken interjection in English that I would happily apply to Fever to Tell (outside of a handful of incandescent, wonderful highlights), REAL TALK