Violet Crumbles

I'm ashamed enough that my childhood obsession with Conan and SNL (and adulthood obsession with 30 Rock) managed to carve out a serious place in my heart for the fate of NBC - I can't imagine how big a nerdasaurus rex you'd have to be to get it up for saving network TV in general. Report to the intermediate grades'

I believe that "on" is a word but otherwise I am not entirely convinced that anything in this headline is not the stuff of fantasy

In late 2011, after years of considering myself merely a casual fan of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, I admitted to myself and to God that they rule forever. All their albums are good, all their singles are utterly bitchin', everyone in the band is utterly dreamy. I am taking G. Kosk's review into consideration but I still want

I would recognize A.O. Scott 20% because he was on the re-re-booted At The Movies, 80% because I saw him on the re-re-booted At The Movies and realized that he looks exactly like my favorite stepcousin will in 35 years. Don't anyone tell the poor kid.

"Noah Cruickshank" refusing to watch Downton Abbey is like Nightcrawler refusing to read X-Men

I'm an AV Club Cyberbullying Perpetuator, and I support this message. We're basically Reddit with fancy cigarette holders - I enjoy this community but I fully believe that God Hates Nerds

Someone on here suggested that Buzz Bissinger would make a good James Adomian character and I'm basically at the point where I'm actively furious every day that this comedy podcast fanfic fails to become reality

Are you drunk or am I?

They're too famous for this shit


That song fucking rules

You caught me!!

Radiohead's video for "Just" is actually based on the time I calculated the percentage of my life spent watching Methods of Mayhem's video for "Get Naked" on The Box in 2000


Colin looks like a time-traveling brony


Totally saw Rabin zeroing in on free dip samples at what I assume was the same Whole Foods & hated myself for recognizing him. If I passed Vince Vaughn on the way out I would have been too consumed with shame to notice.

On super duper opposite day

On one hand, why is Dog Todd Mario; on the other hand, fuck it, liked