Violet Crumbles

God this is just the All Around Bad Times version of Community click/comment bait at this point

We Are the Marah Eakin Preservation Society

We Are the Marah Eakin Preservation Society

Real Books Are Heavy

Real Books Are Heavy

I think there must be a bonus payout if you manage to get the C-word into an unrelated and likely underlooked feature. I mean I know there's the D-Stam connection but what other website would pursue that line of questioning?

I think there must be a bonus payout if you manage to get the C-word into an unrelated and likely underlooked feature. I mean I know there's the D-Stam connection but what other website would pursue that line of questioning?

His pro wrestling kingpin side job starts to make more sense when you think about what a great heel he is

His pro wrestling kingpin side job starts to make more sense when you think about what a great heel he is

I will personally paypal TNT $20 to greenlight an offbeat buddy cop, lawyer, or "fixer" show starring Billy and Courtney

I will personally paypal TNT $20 to greenlight an offbeat buddy cop, lawyer, or "fixer" show starring Billy and Courtney

It's like someone wrote a song for Katy Perry and gave it to Katy Perry's dad to record

It's like someone wrote a song for Katy Perry and gave it to Katy Perry's dad to record

I think maybe they went to a motivational seminar given by Rivers Cuomo

I think maybe they went to a motivational seminar given by Rivers Cuomo

Say what you will about the new record, I still think it's kind of cool to see the Beach Boys playing together again like this

Say what you will about the new record, I still think it's kind of cool to see the Beach Boys playing together again like this

I think 30 Rock had to go before their fictional NBC schedule started to sound better than the real one