Violet Crumbles

Kind of - the same 50 pages I read last summer before putting the book down for the better part of a year. I don't want to let it fall into Book Limbo again but I just wasn't in the mood to get into anything this weekend.

Someone write a bad short story about this thread

I read 50 pages of The 42nd Parallel and played 70,000 games of Draw Something. JEALOUS??

it kind of just looks like the black He's Just Not That Into You more than any kind of "ebonics & stereotypes" shitshow

You didn't have to make this post, but point taken on the hotness of Mr. Harvey

Looks like my completely normal and non-weird Mean Girls Cast Members Most in Need of a Stern Talking-To Excel document is in need of a re-jiggering

Will Forte's sitcom is the only middle-aged white guy grief-based laffer this internet freakshow has any time for!!

or how to marsket them

I would watch the shit out of this. Just the decision to send it out with the single most boring possible choice of title is fascinating to me

Is this the DVR guide summary for next week's Community?

It's cute and funny, but it's "The Powerpuff Girls rules even though I'm 13 and not 8" cute and funny, not "this is a pillar of my lifestyle as a young adult" cute and funny. But I guess it's always nice to have something out there that distracts 4chan from rape hentai for 20 minutes at a time.

Community fans are our bronies, we don't need to encourage actual bronies too

By "home" I meant "a freshman dorm at NC State"

A single tear trickles down John Edwards' cheek as he watches this at home

Tigger's voice is so repulsive and awful. It is like if a giant jar of clear dollar store hair gel was a sound.

I don't wanna make any concrete accusations but Ben Munson is kinda setting off my fur-dar

I want to lightly swat the internet with a rolled-up newspaper for encouraging this nonsense. What a great cast though.

God help me but I think I'm a Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23 fan. Half the jokes are beyond lame, the neighbor is something a 16-year-old comedy nerd would come up with if asked to write a comedy pilot, Neil Patrick Harris should sue James VanDerBeek for totally biting his schtick and making it even less

Can you imagine the immortality the phrase "ghost protocol" would have if it referred to anything that regular people ever did. What a great pair of words.

Nah I just check in sometimes to see what Stephen Baldwin is up to