Violet Crumbles

Angry hashtagging is way funnier than it has any right to be

Is your hand on your dick right now?

Kulap crackup < Kulap "WHAAAAAAAAAT"

I loved Gaffigan's line about comedy podcasts being like Keeping Up With The Kardashians, which anyone who has ever given a second's thought to the Scharpling-PFT feud is being kinda dishonest about if they deny too fiercely. The Real Aging Manchildren of Los Angeles

I don't think he really looks bad at all for David Cross Nearing 50, he just has one of those terrible beards that looks like a sod roll covering three chins whether it really is or not.

Remember that time when Britney Spears was scheduled to have her legal conservatorship handed off from her father to her manager via marriage in a scenario that is happening in real life and not an extremely hamhanded and preachy dystopian speculative fiction novel?

The Office: Pawnee

I got well over halfway into this comment expecting it to end with "diarrhea"

On paper/in the realm of sad nerd TV programming fanfic, there's no reason why The Office couldn't be the Law and Order of comedy. But good luck

Haha I don't disagree with this except for, often, the second sentence

I refuse to believe that this is truly the end of TV's purest and most beautiful love affair!!!

I'm a hardline jellybean pill truther and all, but c'mon dude it's just sitcom recaps

I'm usually just unmoved rather than actively put off by Community Emotional Beats but shit got way too Scrubsy for me at the end there. I still got a kick out of the episode overall but I think I'm basically on internet nerd mood stabilizers with respect to this show

Shaking My Head In Real Life

I think this was like the third or fourth full episode I've seen from this season and while I did get the feeling that it was a cut above the new normal, I couldn't tell whether the ending was genuinely affecting or if I was just getting sappy on a schlubby treadmill jogger's high.

She does look ex-actly like an If They Mated of Kurt at 75% and Courtney's original face at 25%, but Angelina Jolie looks like an amazing Worth 1000 Photoshop of Jon Voight and I she's doing ok with regards to people who jerk off every time they see her.

I like Courtney way more than is responsible but man, poor Frances. I hope she either does well enough with herself to never have to resort to paying the bills with a brutal alt Mommie Dearest tell-all or has great success with writing one, whichever she'd prefer.


Not enough likes in the world

I don't think that first episode could legally be labeled good but I could so totally see this show growing to leave Happy Endings in the dust as my favorite shrill hollow nightmare sitcom. I kind of just kept watching it because I couldn't believe it was on ABC in between Modern Family and Grey's Anatomy. More of an