Violet Crumbles

Yeesh, I seriously thought that Twitter press release was a weird but well-crafted piece of Keith Olbermann fanfic when I read it on a message board 15 minutes ago. This fukkin guy.

Man, Nabin's frontpage summaries are kind of goth

I hated him for about a year but now I really love him. In large part because his crying face during that dumb Italian talk show host sketch is so funny,

BEE would be a very annoying interview but I could go for 90 minutes of him giving Maron advice on how to navigate his relationship with that friend of his who he suspects is bi and into him

The AV Club: About as racially-enlightened as your coolest Boomer uncle since whenever they invented Posting On The Internet. I include myself in this sneering comment

I can't pretend to know what is in Kanye's dick's heart, but in terms of pure
"flamboyancy" and awesomeness he's Paul Lynde and CNR rolled into one tacky couture sweater.

Calvin peeing on the statute number of the Make Me Feel Less Dumb About My Death Proof Tattoo Act of 2012

That was totally Conan's Mayor McCheese costume from like 2001.

See I love the mythology but I'm not at all invested in it. Just like I love the stuff with John Goodman and the blanket forts on Community but I don't really give a shit about Troy growing up. That's nothing to be ashamed of for either show because it's really hard for me to become emotionally invested in a sitcom

If my 500-card index of AV Club Personality notes is correct, Claire likes it but is reluctant to review shows she really likes.

I gave Cougar Town way too many chances for something that is exactly what you would expect from a sitcom starring Courtney Cox and created by the Scrubs guy which you always hear is better than its title suggests

God help me for committing the cardinal sin of busting a Community-related nut on an unrelated comments section, but I loved everything but the Jeff plot and just the image of Pierce with a mouthful of ink made me laugh way too hard. I wish they would forget that Inspector Spacetime ever happened, though.

I am really in awe that Fred Armisen is apparently a straight cad. I know he was married to Sally Timms, but I really always assumed he was gay and being married to a Scientologist and having a platonic romance with Carrie Brownstein did nothing to dissuade me of that notion.

And seriously, fuck you. My grade school science teacher was funnier than Seth Meyers.

Just because they don't want to hang out with UCB students in large numbers doesn't mean they don't exist. You know how snow-white colleges that are interested in improving their diversity numbers try to send representatives to inner-city public high schools?

For Our Consideration: Fuck You God, I Will Never Die

Soooo true. That seapunk Tumblr thing last week was some shit that could only be on the minds of about seven guys who have already talked the topic to death among themselves on some thread nobody else can penetrate

I was intolerant of people who skipped past the entire article to immediately post UH, NO after the first few FYCs, but man, I know I'm being a terrible internet person but the best thing you can usually say about these arguments is "who cares."

They're definitely better off on their own show than getting fitted for Oprah drag on a TV institution

Danitra Vance was the first (only) lesbian but I don't think she was out.  I'm sure you're right that there isn't a single black woman currently working who can keep up with a white-hot talent like Seth Meyers though.