Violet Crumbles

For real though. And Disco 2000 is one of my all-time very favorite songs.

Sir -

That's probably why I had to change the names on my Nancy Walls/A. Whitney Brown fanfic to get it published

Lorne Michaels: One step behind Roger Sterling

Yeah God help me but I kinda wanna see it. I have fantasies of it being a girly Speed Racer.

If I see one more Tweet from Elaine Pagels about how good the audiobook of Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang is I think I'll puke.

Go back to your home on Pawlenty Island

While I agree with @avclub-491c9743d251c3dba93f72771a27ed5c:disqus's point, I feel like whether you like or hate this show (and I go back and forth every week) you should be able to shake hands on anyone who worries about it "becoming" unrealistic and cartoonish needs to get a fucking grip

I will go to my grave believing that Step Brothers was a genius deconstruction of manchild bromance growing-up movies. And Walk Hard is too long but it's funny as fuck, it gets better every time I see it.

Joey Fatone was for moms and girls who were best friends with their moms. I don't even know who Chris Kirkpatrick's crowd was, like maybe having him as your favorite was like taking pity on an injured yard animal or something

Chris Kirkpatrick was truly the otherest of dudes. If tween girl desire was at the center of the boy band universe that morlock looking fuck was Pluto.

I liked him as a harmless, kinda funny jorty personality separate from his terrible movies, but talk about a guy who should not be allowed all the outlets to express oneself that the modern-day internet allows.

Oh my fuck, thank you, I think? for reminding me of that

Yeah, I was going to say. Pretty much every '90s boy band member would have gotten the same "DUHHH IT WAS SO OBVIOUS WHY DID YOU EVER EVEN TRY TO PRETEND YOU VINYL SHIRT WEARING PRETTY BOY" reaction if they came out. Justin Timberlake is queenier in The Social Network than Lance Bass is in this movie.


The lesbian cousin Ray Romano smokes up with at Thanksgiving

I haven't seen the movie yet but I was not at all surprised to learn that Suzanne Collins started out as a writer for '90s live-action Nickelodeon shows. The prose style is about on the level of a script treatment.

He really gave me a false vegan-dar reading on SNL. You're welcome for this relevant and insightful comment.

Calling it John Martin is Maximum Dad. Very endearing

I feel like true bros can goof on each other's lame pop culture interests so long as you aren't just a total pain-in-the-ass fun-killer about it