Violet Crumbles

I just read the book but I love that casting choice, he probably brought his own gold eyeliner

, Internet Person Reports

iBrain was definitely on the best of the year episode because I listened to that one at work yesterday and had to pause it during that segment, because it is okay to sob laughing at your desk but eventually someone's going to ask you to explain what's so funny

One of the things I LOVE about 30 Rock is that it is kind of mean-spirited. But that does help explain why it gets a bad rap on a website where TV criticism is often seemingly based on how good a friend a sitcom would make.

"Most Chicagoans don't eat deep-dish pizza" is going a little far except insofar as "most Chicagoans" don't do most things that you could name.

Third-worst job in America: crack whore. Second-worst job in America: assistant crack whore. Worst job in America: New Media Marketing Intern for Paul Reiser

Yeah, it's like under the circumstances you can't even get mad at all the aggressively grandpa/mountain man/Santa's kid brother affectations. I mean his name is Pendleton Ward

The flip side of nerds being ridiculously hard to please is that sometimes they are delightfully easy to please. "Sure, the story sucked and the movie was completely unmemorable, but I defy you to find another major studio release from 2010 with that much Tomar Re content. Not a total loss."

Jonah Hill

It was nice of you to provide an honest translation of the first comment on this post

Not in an article on the AV Club

That sounds so much like either a Lexicon of Grunge prank on the artist's part or a not-quite-there line of dialogue from someone's unpublished young adult novel

Looking at the "it's not a bad show at all, really…maybe it just needs a little love" narrative a certain way, Todd is already the most prolific author of 2BG fanfic on the internet

This is definitely the nerd hobby I'm rooting the hardest for him to get in too deep and go native on

Todd becomes a regular poster on that 9000-page Community Christmas episode comments section

Timberlake's Revenge

What kind of a dumb bitch thinks that the well-oiled, clean-burning machine that is Marc Maron's personality is even a discernible flavor in his podcast?

Casting of Fictional Stalker Girlfriend Leads to Real Murder-Suicide

He went from Sloppy T-Paw to a plastic McNugget toy

Somebody on here compared Community to Finnegans Wake the other day. Goofing on Community superfans has been rendered obsolete