Violet Crumbles

Clicking on an autoplay video that opens with a primal groan from some WLUW record fair looking motherfucker is actually more embarrassing than having it turn out to be porn

I am definitely guilty of WTF bloodlust: I was really hoping their polite conflict would blow up into a knock-down drag-out between the J. Crew-wearing class salutatorian and the B- student who's sure he'd leave her in the dust if he was boring enough to think that obsessive studying and type A behavior was a

This was a great episode for people with one Irish-American parent and one parent who hates the Irish-American parent's entire family tree all the way back to the beginning of recorded history

Oh I know! He just looks so fresh-faced and youthful to me despite being a prematurely grey middle-aged man. Like he's the humankin persona of an eight-month-old white squirrel, which is a totally normal and non-weird comparison to draw.

"Mature" is the streaming porn category name, which I find bizarre because it's such an unsexy word. "Old" is actually way hotter because it's filthier: no matter the anonymous partner's age, nobody has an ill-advised unprotected encounter with a "mature" stranger in a bus station restroom. "Crusty Coldwater Creek

He's a silver uncle at best and frankly I regard him as a silver older cousin

Oh man, I think it was Who Charted this week where they mentioned this - I wasn't totally paying attention and thought it was just a bizarre joke. I mean, I guess it still is one.

I really, really, really disliked the Archer pilot and haven't checked back in since. I could see it clicking at some point though.

In the dry season after Community's season finale, you guys need to solicit a real scorched-earth, mean, funny COMMUNITY SUCKS feature article from Richard Lawson and watch the furious pageviews poooour in.

First you get the CVS ExtraCare rewards, then you get the Emmys

Jon Lovett is obviously following the Etan Cohen model of parlaying misdirected email and event invitations into an actual Hollywood career

Going to the mat for AV Club comments culture is like patting yourself on the back for working on the Romney campaign instead of the Gingrich one

@avclub-f3165be83d2dd835403b494eb7185ce2:disqus  as much as he looks like a bridge gnome in still pictures this person was probably trying to compliment you.

Yeah we're all Jill Hills

Oh my god, I want to see a loathsome buddy cop action movie based on the promotional artwork you get if you crop Thomas Jane out of that picture. Bad Boys crossed with Auto Focus.

I tried to hype myself up for seeing John Carter next weekend by reading A Princess of Mars. I dunno about this one, you guys.

I am sure there was a time when lots of 11-year-olds weren't into SNL but  it definitely wasn't the early-to-mid 90s

On a scale of one to ten, how much is wrong with me if I thought about Coolio getting out of jail, hearing about that last sketch, going to watch it online, and finding out that it was goofing on that song about his dead friend and his general has-been status and got Legitimately Sad

It's almost like someone who used to be really fat might have recurring issues with serious, addiction-style overeating

Nice obit, Jason. I mostly encountered his work in bits and snatches here and there but I gasped like a fainting Victorian lady upon reading this headline because a few images from his Silver Surfer work that were reprinted in a book I owned as a kid have so solidly entrenched themselves in my imagination. I Enjoyed