Violet Crumbles

I love Community, but I hate obsessive internet Community jihadists, but I think I go all the way back around and love the kooks who made a little nerd shanty town out of that comments section.

It's just that the ads are soooo bad. Like just unbelievably bad even if there is only one interesting minute to be found in the entire movie. I like everyone involved with it but I am going to have to overcome every instinct I ever developed to avoid boring, shitty movies in order to buy a ticket.

Extremely roundabout ways of picking on Jake Lloyd are the kind of sick shit the Venom symbiote is into now

It's quality treadmill viewing but I can only assume the reason it gets so much AV Club love is that people have mistaken it for an extended Community-style loving but knowing tribute to mid-90s one-season Friends knockoffs.

it was nipple gravitas, which is the grossest gravitas of all

I can't decide whether that quesadilla burger would come out as liquid or a hunk of butt coal

Wiig is very talented and funny - it's just that she has one go-to sketch schtick that has been spread out over about 20 recurring characters. The phone sketch was the most brutal example of a cast member putting their whole ass into the bit and putting the kibosh on my impulse to pat Lindsay on the back just for

Pretty sure this show cares less about the "sexually attracted to women" demo than It's A Brad Brad World does

The GCB AV Club ad buy is such a mindblowingly bad marketing misfire. Even a pretty fantastic show aimed at the presumable demographic of this series would require a hand-holding For Our Consideration manifesto from Swag Onion and a Danny Pudi guest spot before AVC readers would watch it, let alone cop to it in tones


I was thinking the exact same thing about her being about as good as a randomly-selected contest winner. Poor ol' Lilo. And YES re: Carrie

give him a break, all he knows of our culture is from Muggle Studies class

Say another word about my Kimiko and I will come over there and slap it out of your mouth

This is the end of the first act of the world's most niche disgusting slash fanfic

I'm gonna give myself five more years tops of regular living and then I am going to switch over to devoting all my time and disposable income to Reborn dolls. I am thinking three Na'vi, four Kiwi gorillas, one human who I will treat badly in order to make a statement, more than that and it'll be hard to get all of

Can you guys give this person a regular column?

Remember that moment in pop culture when bearded thirtysomething pop music critics didn't even pretend to be a little ashamed of how much they dug this schtick?

Harris is such a delightful podcast supporting character/punching bag, but I had the same reaction seeing his name in the credits during that last episode of Eastbound. I actually didn't necessarily dislike the ridiculousness of it all but I couldn't decide whether the last ten minutes of that episode were Different

Making Gallagher the Lester Maddox of comedy? I like it!

I feel kind of bad about usually finding a PFT interview on some also-ran UCB goon's podcast funnier than the PFTkast, which is very well-done and different and the kind of thing comedy podcasters should take a cue from