Violet Crumbles

I just realized that he is my real answer to the "characters you love to hate" question. He is so annoying in such a consistent, predictable way but I always listen to the opening bit and not without affection.

I think that, for a character who's butting heads with Leslie Knope in the P&Riverse, flat-out stating that you're working towards a political goal that you don't really believe in or care about is basically tying a girl to the railroad tracks with one hand while twirling your moustache with the other

The dog from Duck Hunt

Do you guys think the world would be a better or worse place if they kept Rachel Dratch on this show as greaseball schlub staff writer Francesca Rossitano

I thought this episode was soooo fanfic-y but I'll allow for the possibility that I'm in a bad mood tonight. Kathryn Hahn is a goddess and a perfect fit for Pawnee's Springfieldian cast of recurring characters, but they wrote her way too one-dimensionally easy to get your dander up about just like Paul Rudd's character

"Very season 4-ish" was my exact sad internet nerd thought. I don't really mean that as a brutal insult, because they've been running through s4 in syndication lately and I nearly always pick it over season 3 of The Office in the same timeslot at the gym. Definitely under par for this season, though.

Obviously the only person on the show who is really dedicated to making it seem like it's actually taking place in Chicago

Do you think Chet Haze was off limits? Dude goes to school in Evanston and it seems impossible that a show that reeks so heavily of LA Comedian Twitter would be able to resist a reference

I'm not trying to imply anything serious here, but if I were writing a bitchy blog post about this trailer I would also parenthetically set aside mention of Ayoade in an attempt to protect him from my eyerolling at the Bro Comedy Expendables while also concealing the fact that I think he is so cute I could just bite

It seems like it must be so hard to get a TV show on the air, like you can't make one false step and even then you still have to get really lucky, and yet, that title.

They finally realized that the one problem with Secret Girlfriend was that they didn't do it as a Choose Your Own Adventure book!!

I was seriously wondering for a minute how I managed to get this dude totally mixed up with the American Pie guy for the better part of a decade

I don't usually bitch about the Tolerability Index, but I would like to know if there is some kind of apprenticeship program where I can get a head start down the road of being paid to observe that Tyler Perry puts his name on his movie posters.

Bleagh Onion

The idea that any gay musical theater kook besides Ryan Murphy was dying to see this cast make magic together is one of the most offensive things I've ever heard

I think it's obvious that Community's ratings situation is so dire that they've been reduced to pandering directly to "the guy on the AV Club who gets first post on all the nighttime updates," but they're kidding themselves if they think softcore Alison Brie crying is going to do the job

Wanted was "completely desperate to be adapted," not "unadaptable"

That whole contract brouhaha had nothing to do with money and everything to do with Weiner negotiating the right to use the rest of the show's run to produce his Nip/Tuck fanfic scripts. Kurt Sutter was only mad that he didn't get to do it first.

They only let select premium-grade comments into the live feed. Otherwise you'd have a 15:85 ratio of funny smartass comments about the documentary shorts to witless drunk mouthbreathers* posting DAWES DAWES DAWES DAWES DAWES