Violet Crumbles

I can not be the only one who thought for a second that they chose to illustrate this post with a super-broke man's Vanity Fair Annie Liebovitz portrait of a handful of AV Club staffers

Oliver & Company is a children's powder-blue stonewashed ESPRIT jean jacket in film form

Pop nonfiction best-sellers are like the most adaptable books on Earth. I don't think anyone out there got pissy that they dropped a key subplot or mangled an experimental narrative technique when they made Queen Bees and Wannabes into a movive

Oprah's Glamorous Matron gold dress is so much better than Meryl's that I'm willing to pretend that that cut from Gayle to Sidney Poitier to Stedman wasn't hilarious

Woody has to send them a better stock picture. At least Malick looks like he might be out having fun or doing some Jurassic Park shit.

What kind of Illuminati shit did Michael Douglas do to beat terminal cancer? If I got a sporty haircut and dyed it grey I'd look more haggard than he does now

Why did all these millionaire actors buy their clothes for these interviews at the same discount depot where Gabby Sidibe picked up her wig and Adam Sandler bought his entire wardrobe and the script for Jack and Jill

The Dean is a scene-stealer even at the Oscars. Where the hell else better does Woody have to be tonight??

Calvin "and Hobbes" 14%

Big hugs to the 3% of this website's userbase that is composed of 65-year-old gay guys who picked "Wood" over "Portman"

Would it be possible for someone in the target audience to explain what is with Gillette's marketing strategy of producing ad campaigns centered around vaguely homoerotic clubs of three guys who get together to celebrate shaving the shit out of themselves? Would it be possible for anyone to explain why Adrien Brody is

would watch the SHIT out of a movie called "Wesley Deeds" that was just a 90-minute compilation of Wesley fucking with the Belv

One thing I have to give him is that the teaser posters for his movies always grab me. The poster for this one wasn't as interesting as some of the ones he's put out in the past, but it still stood out from the usual Photoshop monstrosities I see in front of the parking lot I pass on my way to work - I went out of my

There is no greater indictment of Hollywood's marginalization of black actors than the casts that Tyler Perry gets. It's like if Meryl Streep was doing Kevin Smith movies because she couldn't get top billing anywhere else.

I am fucking dying at this

This wouldn't be the first time Brett Ratner's been accused of having a shrimpy dong

I think it's commendably progressive to save the stripper name for your son

Fred Durst was a 30-year-old with a 10-year-old daughter when he released an album called "Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water"

I am very happy with the inclusion of the phrase "Fred Durst, 41"