Violet Crumbles

Probably the hardest thinking I've ever done at work was trying to imagine that voice coming from the Google image search results for "Howard Kremer"

If you didn't want to come off like you really irrationally hate Diablo Cody you probably should have pretended you didn't know her full name. I know it's dishonest but sometimes passionate internet commenting requires a little theater in the service of not looking like a kook.

Home Alone 2 is better than the original anyway. It's late-period John Hughes' Crank

This was me with The Naked Gun 33 1/3 and Spy Hard


I don't know whether this is better than season 4 of The Office or if, in my dotage, I just care a lot less about sitcoms being a little worse than they were last year than I did in 2006

I just assumed all the Thursday night sitcoms were taking off for Leap Year weekend?

@TMJW:disqus , I get where you're coming from but that's pretty much Evil Kramer!

I grew up down the block from the original location and never knew it existed until I heard about this film. I am taking suggestions as to whether I should chalk this up to Chicago-style white/black cultural segregation or Chicago-style 7-year-old/non-7-year-old cultural segregation

Juno was a top-tier Kevin Smith movie that somehow won an Oscar. I don't think that it was necessarily very well-done, but I think the "intentional stylization"/"I only have one voice and I definitely mean it to be totally realistic and true-to-life" ratio is frequently estimated incorrectly by people who were maybe

See, Max as a bear cracked my shit up. To me all these characters seem like dated, hacky Half-Season Wonder From 2002 sitcom archetypes that miraculously lived into a second season and are SOMETIMES played by funny actors so I'm not interested at all in character development or low-key charming realism on this show.

Spunkless Lois Lane is a dealbreaker. Yes, I know that you wouldn't mind relieving Kate Bosworth of her spunklessness problem. No, I am not in the mood to hear from you either, Internet Person subspecies "guy who publicly announces that he requires B- list actress to eat a hamburger before he'll deign to put it in her

You know what, I'm gonna say Local Actor Accurately Rated

If we get a Fox News intern to write a bitchy blog post about how some sap with a hyphenated surname is tearing his hair out over a zillion-dollar animated movie doing a commercial tie-in we can close down the Internet and go back to our normal lives from before AOL 2.0

You knooooow Winnie Mandela was one of the potential biopic roles in the O sector of Beyonce's EGOT brainstorming master list.

I am curious whether anyone else on this website devoted to bitching about loved ones' refusal to watch low-rated NBC Thursday Night sitcoms had the humiliating experience of trying to tell their mom they thought this movie could maybe be good. If she had repeated "uhhhh I dunno the director did some stuff I like!"

It's a real come-to-Jesus moment when you spend more time than usual fucking around on the AV Club in the morning and then spot Nathan Rabin pawing at the chips-n-guac sample station at Whole Foods during lunch. Or at least I imagine that imaginary scenario feeling that way!!!!

Yeah really. I think I had a science teacher pop on that Lorax TV special and fuck off to the teachers' lounge every single Earth Day in the 90s

This show is friggin unwatchable if you have even a hint of a headache

Is this where we're discussing the new Pyyramids video?