Violet Crumbles

I kind of hope they just don't do a newswire post about it. Every single comments section on this website would be ruined as if it had been taken over by an invasive species of moss.

Is there a going to be a point in my life where I come to understand the message and motivation behind this comment?

Maybe if it'd been My Love is Your Love

I kind of freaked hearing it blasting from the stereo of some dude selling incense out of the back of his car over the weekend. I know it's supposed to enjoy a position of popcult ubiquity but I'm not sure I'd heard it in full since I was eight years old.

I was completely baffled by the cult of Parks and Rec when I first gave it a second chance after bailing on the first season. After watching a few more episodes I found it delightful, but I think it enjoys a slightly inflated critical status because it's one of those things that hits the "I want to be friends with TV

If McG had been on the set of Superman Returns with his bros, it wouldn't have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of charisma and forward-thinking casting choices in that tentpole project and then him saying, "Ok, we're going to bring something new to the time-worn character of Lex Luthor with Robert

I know Zooey is capable of better than that nail art, which looks like the work of an actual flibbertigibbety 15-year-old girl instead of a grown woman who just dresses like a professionally-styled version of one. Not rebloggable.

I have no problem seeing the appeal to people who thought at 19 that they were going to write the Great American Novel and instead grew up to create How I Met Your Mother or something

Haha you like The IT Crowd

It kind of freaks me out to flip through comics I owned as a kid and realize that I ended up basically memorizing even the shittiest and least memorable of them. They're so short and then you have a month to sit with them.

This should have been conceived as an internet terror campaign where he threatens to record and release a bunch of lame Great Job, Internet! bait unless he gets his $20k

Yeah the premiere of the Melissa Harris-Perry show the other day opened with a four-minute YouTube compilation of jetski stunts set to "Gimme Three Steps"

Sometimes I think this show would be an unwatchable piece of shit if Danny McBride wasn't funny as fuck no matter what they give him to do and say. The only thing that absolutely disproves my theory is that Land of the Lost wouldn't even be entertaining on an international flight.

Just wanna clarify that when I'm not making drunk iphone comments on internet pop culture websites I usually know that there is no Stockholm syndrome but emotional Stockholm syndrome

@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus , I'm a strong believer in this theory because I have pretty  clear memories of trying to impress people in grade school by parroting things I'd read about the Ferrell-era SNL cast torpedoing a beloved television institution. Not really recommended for any aspiring

Me reading that last line: "ha ha, oh no wait a minute that's actually true and not a detail from a half-remembered nightmare I had a while back"


This is basically a classic, Lifetime movie-vintage domestic violence case played out in public by famous people. Guy beats the shit out of girl, guy gets nothing more serious than community service, girl takes guy back the second people aren't watching her ass to make sure they're not hanging out, mutual friends of

Best Show kooks are easily my favorite Podmass Warriors gang. Sorry, Carolla cultists, you guys will never go hard enough to compare.

Idiot 14-year-old girls on Twitter can want to slob on that garter snake dick all they want, but in the end he wouldn't get label support and awards show performance spots if grown men didn't decide that financial success was more important than deflating the idiot 14-year-old girl vision of Chris Brown as martyr.