Violet Crumbles

Ugh! There are a lot of things that horrify me about this whole story, but to give a very petty, concrete example of one, I really hate that it caused my adult brain to generate the thought "RIRI, NOOOOOOOO"

This video and the comments that accompany it will be the final straw that prompts God to Rapture everyone who is not a fucking insufferable nerd and leave all of us on Earth to stew in a material Hell of our own making.

I was reeeeeeally hoping that the "couple of Muppets" would be them cutting in at regular intervals

Ooh that's very true about "Potential Breakup Song." I'm not gonna pretend I go deep with Radio Disney but I love Miley's "See You Again" without shame and like the Jonas Brothers' "Burnin' Up" in a way that is heavily leavened with it

I think I liked all the singles from that album

They could have at least gotten Mummenschanz

I'd like to give a shoutout to every Redbox in every drugstore on Earth for informing me of the existence of Fred 2

Linkin Park - Faint
I want to say that Panic at the Disco accidentally wrote a good song at some point, but I don't feel comfortable researching the titles of their singles on Wikipedia without a crucifix and vial of holy water at my side. It is possible that I'm (generously) thinking of the Snakes on a Plane theme

Blackout is THE Crazy Britney album and it's pretty solid. Of course the vocals are barely recognizable. Baby One More Time is a Great Song though. So is Crazy (The Stop Remix), which, in a parkway-driveway scenario, was recorded by Sane Britney.

I can see the appeal, but the review touches on my exact Fuck This Totally Free Content Thought while listening…way too much like actually hanging out with people who do improv.

Katy Perry's Good Song is Hot N Cold or Teenage Dream and you know what, I will even hear an Armondian case for E.T. E.T.!!! All physical media carrying recordings of Last Friday Night should be buried in a mole cave underground.

Ben is a cute sitcom character on a cute sitcom. Officer Dave is a Real Motherfucker and a golden god!! Deal with it, DUM-DUMS!!!!!!

Another post that makes the case for the necessity of a button which literally and symbolically sits right in between the "flag" and "like" buttons

Respect yourself, pretty lady! Keep it cute 24/7!

That movie got nominated for Best British Film at the BAFTAs! I can't honestly judge because I was just a little too old to go for it when it came out, but I always kinda filed it alongside Tom Arnold in The Stupids in my mind.

Kind of disappointed that you guys would choose to reward all that childish trolling of The Warren Drugs

If sewage plant workers were as good at their jobs as Chris Brown's handlers are we'd all be eating Blinky the 3-Eyed Fish for dinner

It's the thing they set up at Events With A Lot Of Famous People In Attendance where celebrities go to get free swag in exchange for being photographed with it. This is the AV Club, so I'm not even gonna bother to find Patton Oswalt's essay about going to one because someone will probably already have posted it by the

Arts & Entertainment are so canon

Jenna Maroney is seething that her AIDS denial activism didn't take her this far