Violet Crumbles

That second episode was all-time

If he had been at Epic Records c.2003 with his kids, all of whom queen out really hard for emotionally thorny female singer-songwriter albums, it wouldn't have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that corporate boardroom and then him saying "OK, we're going to luxuriate in the witty

He looks like an eighth-grader from 1998 who tripped and fell into a bewitched wishing pool while walking back from Saturday school detention and grumping about how much it sucks to be young

When I caught my reflection in the darkened television screen after watching Arthur on HBO I shuddered with contempt for myself and quietly whispered "There must be someone in here who likes this guy, but for the life of me I can't imagine who."

Oscar could totally be the new Frasier. I mean in a best-case scenario that borders on pure fantasy. But Dwight can never be anything but the new Joey.

They should do a Stanley spinoff set in the world of Leslie David Baker's music video

God, Seth MacFarlane is a total Applebee's Wednesday Night Karaoke baller

This would be a good thing for a second-tier Disney starlet to wear on a Blender cover where she formally celebrates her transition to adult sex object by posing in American Apparel gold lame hot pants while pretending to eat a piece of pizza or an all day lolly or something in a lurid fashion

Academy Award nominee Guy Who Appeared on a Trading Card Dressed as a Hilariously Girlish Looking Elf

The most nostalgic boner right now

I am the very model of a modern transport minister

To be fair that's pretty much the AV Club homepage of faces

@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus , that's my dad too. My mom is straight-up just like a 60-year-old ninth-grader - I saw The Artist with her over Christmas and had to give her a stern maternal warning about fucking around on her cell phone during the slow parts

I'm not even a Disney stockholder and I'm furious that they don't sell QUACK FLAG t-shirts with silhouettes of Donald and his nephews topping the bars

"Mouseschwitz" was totally the focal point of a Super Cool Early '00s Teens round table on the An American Tail series in which I participated as a 15-year-old in Video Production class

I think they should do a special edition of Holiday Undercover where a different band comes in to cover "Monster Mash" every Tuesday and Thursday for the entire month of October.

When I got that false positive notification I realized that I am as in love with myself as the average AVC poster is with Community

Old people are to Oscar bait what 17-year-old kids are to Fast and the Furious movies. They just show up and talk straight through the whole thing about where they're going to eat afterwards.

Fair Isle sweaters are the beards of clothes

Anchorman is better and more interesting than Little Miss Sunshine