Violet Crumbles

Just say that you haven't been in a Barnes & Noble since '98 and be done with it

I love press photos of people who aren't screen actors or pop musicians because they make it impossible to forget that they are basically grown-up nerds' MySpace photos with a budget. If you flip over all the employee picks paperbacks at Barnes and Noble it looks like a Polyamorous Ren Fairers Meetup group won a gift

I can see Rolling In The Deep, but people who sing weepy ballads at karaoke are so crazy they shouldn't be allowed to drive.

Well I think Jon Huntsman is looking for a job

If by "people" you mean "Ricky Gervais" I am afraid there's no hope

Canca Del AIDS

I cannot take that much handome rich bro smugness during a show that is destined to suck no matter who works on it. I already watched the Ocean's sequels.

At work the other day I had to write something about a "tumbler" and wanted to curl up and die when I reflexively omitted the e

I think his career in America is like when you start to say something stupid and realize it's a mistake that is going over well with nobody but feel obligated to finish the sentence anyway. Even people who kind of like him won't cop to it publicly, a statement I totally typed without tapping into any kind of personal

Vanessa Bayer is cute as a fukkin button but I liked her as a performer before her gummy smile started to look like a ray of sunshine to me.

I know that the movie was intentionally aesthetically ugly too, but I  feel depressed just looking at that screencap

Co-creating Modern Family: Big fucking deal
Creating Just Shoot Me: LIFETIME PASS

@avclub-050d2679d5ded5268443a5d7dabe5fa9:disqus , my thoughts exactly. I bet a million bucks that bit was the result of some Harvard Lampoon superstar confusing the two at 3 AM

Yeah, I "got" and "liked" it but I was cringing in a way that like the UK Office never got out of me

I felt bad for her! It's awesome to go from unknown to SNL Musical Guest in one school semester until you get your first big break on network TV and you sound like you're having a stroke every 20 seconds.

Before clickthrough: "Aw, what is Tina Fey doing on these goobs' dumb show"
After clickthrough: "Oh, fair enough. Get that nerd fanbase, girl"

Did you see the episode where April and Andy get married? I always thought P&R was basically "cute" with a fanbase way out of proportion to its actual quality that could be chalked up to its borderline-pandering mathematical appeal to dorks who post about sitcoms on blogs, but that was the one where things clicked for

I assume that everyone on staff here has been informed that they are to peace on the birth of their first-born child should an announcement about Community's return to the NBC schedule come while the kid is crowning

I mean I thought he was a made-up character