Violet Crumbles

Feig and Apatow are the only two who actually worked on the movie; the other guys are just there to haul around Kristen Wiig's Frail Television Actress Fainting Litter

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I remember his female producing partner used to get a lot of press for being The Broad Behind The Boy Movies but I guess they haven't worked together (and, uh, she hasn't worked at all?) since Pineapple Express. Girl Power

What the hell else does he have to do

@avclub-946dca6d0d2657cfc194c3d4fd39ccb3:disqus , he talks about his SNL interview so frequently, like every single time that he interviews someone who's probably met Lorne Michaels, that I have a hard time imagining such a resentful and neurotic person isn't pretty bitter about the experience.

I guess that makes sense. I don't even have a hamster so what do I know. BUT I don't think Up All Night is something that's really begging for the freer content standards of a later timeslot.

I love Parks but I'm kind of into this comment. Niceness and warmth in female-driven comedy are way overrated, I've never gotten the "comedy of super nice people" vibe off the show itself as opposed to its press, and anyone who thinks it's an even vaguely realistic portrayal of small-town Midwestern life (this is an

Community and 30 Rock should obviously be in the 10 PM slot while Up All Night is better-suited for an earlier one - it's bizarre to schedule a show that appeals most strongly to parents of young children as the last comedy of the night

A Hulu Plus Original Series

What a good example of something that should prompt entertainment industry executives to do more projects featuring Latino actors but will instead get a Deuce Bigelow threequel greenlighted

I appreciate that you posted a picture of the two delightful things about More Like The Fartist. If they wanted to give a Best Actor award to a handsome, charming devil in a total nothing December movie they should have recognized Dujardin.

I am going to fuck somebody up if Pulp doesn't headline Pitchfork or at least play Lollapalooza. If I lived in California I'd brave so many doofs in nipple-exposing giant undershirts for them

It's childish to pretend that most adults in mature relationships don't at least discuss the possibility of commissioning a custom-molded strapon replica of the dong of their favorite USA Original Series male lead

I thought John Cheever was as real as Bob Sacamano for a pretty long time

Last Exit to Springfield, both a genuine opinion and a shameless attempt to Candyman up a certain gimmick

Loved the slapstick but, re cartoonishness, Ben's depressive calzone obsession was straight-up fanfic status

That shitty white bra with the cheapass little bow that she had on in her fake pregnant photoshoot was the exact perfect choice of Comedy Shitty Bra, like I am still in awe of it

Be careful - if the carefully-cultivated rumors that the blowjob in the Hart Crane biopic were filmed Brown Bunny-style are true, you might end up accidentally approving a Your Highness sequel and a fully-funded MFA from UT Austin

If he wasn't married I would want them to have an embarrassing aging hipster/sloppy drunk ingenue romance so badly.

They really need to do a whole Watch the Throne collaborative album and tour with Ke$ha