Violet Crumbles

I liked her in Iron Man! Especially considering that "Superhero girlfriend" is just a couple of notches above "Todd Philips character" so far as totally thankless, shitty roles for actresses go.

Even if you were somebody for whom GOOP is something more than a thing on the internet to make fun of, like basically even if you were Gwyneth Paltrow, wouldn't you really want to call this POOP by GOOP

Hey fucklick, at least I was polite about it when your big dream turned out to be having the plot of Little Big League happen with you and the Tampa Bay Mutiny

Fred invited Carrie to an SNL afterparty and was wearing a Sleater-Kinney button with her face on it when she showed up. In case anyone reading this is wondering, yes, inviting Alison Brie to your improv class's final show and getting a button made up of a still frame from a Santa-suit titty gif will probably work

Forget it, @avclub-940ab893dd2c5824ae83efa90790f2d7:disqus , it's the AV Club.

He hangs out with Aziz but his real muse is Will Ferrell. It's Prestige Worldwide.

I hate myself for knowing this and definitely read too many blogs aimed at people who might watch Portlandia, but I am pretty sure that the Armistein friendship origin story as laid out in the intro is incorrect.

My first grade school bus driver banned us from saying "O.P.P." and also "other people's property" because she knew what that meant and did you think she was dumb or did you think you couldn't get written up.

Fred looks more like an older lesbian in real life than he does in that sketch but I'm pretty pretty sure he's supposed to be a lady

Martha Stewart is the fucking shit. She's a good talk show guest, her weird, awful relationship with her irreparably damaged daughter rules, and looking at pictures of cakes in Martha Stewart Living on the can at your parents' house is the original looking at pictures of cakes in Real Simple magazine on the can at

Jason vs. Freddy vs. That Guy From SNL, No, Not Him, The Other One

Looking at that picture I think they should turn it into an Expendables franchise where every B-minus-list white male comic actor in Hollywood gets together to go Falling Down on people who frustrate them

The final nail in the coffin of the Rhode Island School of Design Commercial Aviation B.S. program

A Kanye West/Homaro Cantu collaboration: the "beer" is a sprinkling of freeze-dried alcoholic Dippin' Dots, the "chicken" is a pile of foam, the serving plates are nude models

I hope they do it like the direct-to-DVD Mean Girls sequel and just slap a franchise name on a script that Amanda Bynes turned down

Idea for an AV Club video segment: Film MohdTaufiqTerrorist watching an episode of Superbook, see how long it takes for him to realize it's never going to take a turn for the grotesquely erotic, see how long it takes after that before he just jerks off to it anyway

I can only assume that the world of Christian children's entertainment is desperate to crack the code on a hairshirtier alternative to those lurid and colorful VeggieTales

Superbook, man! I used to catch that on some other shitty Christian channel back in the day. I believe the programming on that one was geared towards a range of ages but it was similar to this one in that all the programming was so low-rent that no matter when you tuned in, you got the creepy feeling like you were

@avclub-c42f76f3b235e177ed57983b6721d0f3:disqus , I can't ever honestly say that construction is "right," but you are executing it correctly