Violet Crumbles

Yeah I mean just in terms of looks. It's pretty rich for them to be drawing jowls on real-life figures that appear in the same strip as their totally non-representative 1999 Cool stand-ins.

I think I prefer Franco to Gordon-Levitt in part because everyone seems to realize that Franco is a beautiful assclown while I think there are actually living humans who were able to watch JGL's SNL opening number without cringing

I hope it's just a teen supernatural romance novella in which a sexy monster that represents something he vaguely remembers from his assistant's notes on Intro to Queer Cinema invades the set of Flyboys

Jesse Thorn is an annoying goob but I can not believe the Penny Arcade guys had the balls to do a comic featuring an unflattering, brutally-accurate depiction of someone else

This is the same bizarro world where 30 Rock is the notable stinker in a category that also includes Glee, The Big Bang Theory, and Modern Family

Bruce Wayne:Gotham::Jesse Thorn:Futura

New meme proposal: Copping to guilty pleasures using the phrase "I'll admit that my dick hardened at the site of _______'s horny face."

Ghost Protocol had more fun sequences than The Artist and also Ghost Protocol is more fun to say than The Artist

No, he'll be the scourge of his freshman dorm lounge

Ke$ha is the Andrew W.K. of KISS-FM. Deal with it!!!

Louis CK is totally the tough, wise den mom of that brother-husband harem

@avclub-a2bd92a4b5b334a8ad8d381dd31bd4c5:disqus , it is when you are such a cool kitten that you're posting on the AV Club while you're so drunk that you misattribute this article to Kenny Herzog and fail to notice that Jonah Ray and Adele have the same number of chins

Speaking as a fellow Weird Al Non-Getter, I don't know whether I'm rolling my eyes harder at K-Herz for getting some easy ridiculously easy hits in on Weird Al fanboy sperglords or at Weird Al fanboy sperglords for being totally gobsmacked at the idea that someone might not have a huge 24/7 throbbing boner for the guy

I just GIS'ed Jonah Ray and of course he looks exactly like your friend's boyfriend who does improv and brings up stuff he heard on podcasts during normal human conversation

Don't tell anyone, but I listened to the audiobook. I see where you're coming from, though.

Ten million times more terrifying than I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant

Tragic True Story: A pointedly ambiguous amount of time in the past, I went home with a guy and felt my eyes bug out of my head when I noticed a Dawes song on his Beige Rock Mood Music Spotify playlist. In terms of pure aestheticism I felt a little like Larry David seeing the framed photo of George W. Bush, but mostly

I really hope you called him out in a stirringly humane extemporaneous monologue that began with the phrase "As a white person with a black avatar…"

Never woulda guessed that HDB was my mom's gimmick account, but when I review the evidence in hand-holding flashback montage fashion I guess it kind of makes sense

Yes! Especially since the last season was the kind of Long-Running Series' Return To Form that weird TV nerds' personal spreadsheet files are made of.