Violet Crumbles

I never saw this show or read any of his novels but he's in the Ridiculously Bad Taste Hall of Fame for his comics work

I reread Their Eyes Were Watching God and Moby-Dick this year and oh man. Why did I ever even make the effort to age past 10th grade English class.

One thing I like about Robyn is that in live performances she always beats up the air at the part in Dancing On My Own where I would always do the same thing were it socially acceptable

Yes, totally! As a hopeless spiritual suburbanite I'm into Target collaborations in general, but Missoni always looks like some shit my grandma threw out because it got water-damaged in the basement.

What is a good place to start with Lethem's fiction? I like comics so I picked up Fortress of Solitude a longass time ago and wasn't really into it but I always enjoy running across his essays.

I only did so much as skip through the Jobs bio on my parents' toilet over the holidays but I was totally into it. The actual quality of writing probably didn't even matter at all - set me up with some good personal anecdotes about a famous weirdo and I'm good

I thought that was pretty good for a Celebrity Autobiography! But we can talk about Mindy Kaling's book, which, as foretold by the Prophet @Scrawler:disqus , I got for Christmas for some reason. I like her but goddamn.

Funny People is a total failure and flop but I find it weirdly likable in large part due to the very factors that cause it to suck. Apatow included approx 10,000 minutes of his daughter's grade school pageant, that's unwatchable but it's endearing and sweet. He wrote a whole dramatic subplot for his wife in an attempt

Is the Nuge strictly TV Club? I want to say that he wrote something really dumb that put him on my enemies list forever, but it wasn't this (although it is evidence for the prosecution) and I want to say that it was film-related. Either way, I suppose that the important part is that I have a weird internet grudge

This is the 33 1/3 book that's gonna keep Continuum afloat

PFT is the third heat, mang

I guess the question is whether it counts as broadly anti-Semitic if it really mostly applies to uncles who went to Lollapalooza '93

Those two are seriously bitch-assed motherfuckers. They deserve to have a comfortable TBS semi-comic procedural together.

Here's a terrible, off-topic comment: are we getting a Podmass at some point? I don't even remember whether or not this was an official Podmass Christmas Week release, but I really want to talk about what seriously bitch-assed motherfuckers Michael Ian Black and Marc Maron both are.

For about two weeks after I saw MI3 that line would periodically pop into my head and make me giggle to myself like a fucking goon

I know that A Christmas Story is unusually episodic in its structure, but if I ran Comedy Central or Spike I'd be strongly tempted to do that shit with Christmas Vacation and Die Hard, respectively

I keep waiting for Garry Marshall to just say "fuck it" and attempt to roll out the Love, Actually-killer

Answering the question "what was your best musical discovery of 2011" with "my rediscovery of Siamese Dream" is a move that not even Billy Corgan himself would have the balls to pull. Although to be fair that's because he would say "my rediscovery of TheFutureEmbrace."

Nothing says last-hour-before-a-4-day-weekend madness like two comments in a row about porno fan comics. keeeee-rist

The comments section for the last episode of Community turned into a hentai doujinshi sharing circle so gradually that I didn't even notice