Violet Crumbles

And dressing up in steampunk shit. The first pop star ever to destroy himself with an addiction to Reddit.

Everyone knows Lucas is kiddie bullshit. I'm hard sci-fi - never the twain shall meet.

A Comedy of Eroticism

Would watch a Bucket List/Grumpy Old Men/Banger Sisters remake starring Fisher and Takei

Yeah I had been on the lookout for a SFW avatar that would Speak To Me and then I saw that Worst Therapists Inventory article

I'm all for this if it brings the world an entertaining tell-all magazine article about Mike Myers' inevitable totally insane micromanagement of this End Of Culture piece of shit

He had a cartoon on FOX Kids in the early '90s! But there are people on here who were born during the second Clinton administration

I think it took like five years of watching this episode on Comedy Central for Young Violet Crumbles to get that joke

Sweet lady New York, you're the fifth whore at this table.

Yeah, I don't know much about sports but I remember that being a surprisingly good episode…unless Eli Manning did a shockingly good SNL hosting gig I'm confusing it with, which is entirely possible. Also, in light of @avclub-9e6feccf63b72f7089146dce1c6e68de:disqus 's appalling comment, I want to reiterate in the least

Where's the "Gettttttttttt theeeeeeeeee fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk outtttttttttttttttttttttttttttt" button

Not a great episode, but I will be looking out for opportunities to quote that "Doctor Who ass" line, to the embarrassment and disgust of everyone around me, for the rest of my life

The sound was so bad last night. I saw her at Pitchfork when I kind of disliked her and she killed it live.

AV Club After Dark = Salem Bitch Trials

King of Queens is the absolute filet of Fat Shit Hot Bitch family sitcoms

hmm, I did not! If anything, I watched Juno wondering why the director didn't step in to tone some of that shit down a little, interesting

I am almost sure that Sean tittered to himself while committing that Photoshop in the same fashion as I imagine Armond White does every time he knocks out a really good Norbit-referencing rhetorical flourish. So good.

I hate to feed into the persecution complex of internet nerd superfans of a dangling-on-the-precipice-of-cancellation TV show like this, but today I learned that a girl I work with who watches Parks and Rec regularly had no idea what Community even was

Reitman is a hack with great taste in actors. Juno is his best movie even though it is frequently cringeworthy, moreso for shit like the Asian girl who speaks the least convincing imperfect English this side of a foreign-born X-Men character than the I Was Written By A 28-Year-Old Woman Who Reads Gawker dialogue and

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus , I am such a solipsistic narcissist that I didn't even realize people liked Bane to begin with! I've been sitting here thinking that this had better be one bitchin' movie to justify Tom Hardy turning himself into a roided-out mess so he can play a villain I hate (and