Violet Crumbles

He looked really good tonight. I was blinded by his character actor fivehead for too long

Yes. He was also the naked guy in minor-HBO-channel staple Ghost Town

On the $299 xtra sexxxy special edition of the season 2 DVD set they digitally replace Pierce with Chevy Chase c.1977

Of course that's the joke, but like there isn't crossover between the Community superfan community and the "I have played a dating sim where you get to change the girl's diapers at some point" community? The perfect crime.

If the NBC store did a thing where you could upload a headshot and buy a print of that picture with your face superimposed on April's body*, their financial woes would instantly be forgotten

This is almost a better spoiler than the Robert Pattinson movie where he dies on 9/11

Douches of a Certain Age

As a plain white woman aged 24-38 who once went to a Wolf Parade concert, this picture helps to illustrate how it is that I can so often encounter the problem of some dude who looks kind of cute to me from half a block away turning out to be a 55-year-old homeless alcoholic at close range

Oh shit, the chick from the Noisettes!! What ever happened to her, did she at least try to Stefani those clowns?

I don't think their schticks are any more similar than Katy Perry's is to that of, I don't know, who's an oddball white indie chick whose record your mom might buy for you after hearing about it on NPR. Kevin Barnes. This is not to say that Nicki is any great shakes but I feel like if anything she stole her act from a

I will send a $10 Chipotle gift card to anyone willing to drop out of life and spend 40-hour weeks building a Father of the Pride evangelist gimmick character on this board over the course of the next year

Rob Schneider was like top 10 funniest people alive when I was six but even then he was getting beaten out by the guy who drew Heathcliff

Marc Cherry's Pages, coming to the CW this fall


Did you not actually know that you were going to break the hearts of the seven Wye Oak fans in Indianapolis, or did you just not care?

I can't tell whether the period at the end of the headline is defeated or quietly defiant but either way, for some reason it's killing me

The mere fact that you call it "a group of Hip-Hop" tells me you're not ready

Donald Glover needs to quit rap but that guy needs to quadruple quit writing

Yes, when will the AV Club move on from homogenous stinkholes full of white people and set up shop in Portland?