Violet Crumbles

Weezeresquia in Review is a quarterly publication that shares a parent company with Early Draft Monthly: The Monthly Magazine of Illustrated Early Drafts

On first listen I thought it was really halfbaked - ok sound but no Tunes, like a shittier version of The Woods, but I love it now.

I don't really get how writing, recording, and releasing "Make Me Proud" isn't grounds for immediate deportation in a fashion that involves actually being yanked across the U.S./Canada border with a vaudeville shepherd's crook

If Femme Fatale is like maybe 70% as good as Blackout I will at least check it out, I see it's on Spotify. Also they should replace every angry "BRITNEY SPEARS AND THE DECEMBERISTS IN THE SAME LIST, SIR YOU INSULT ME" comment with YouTube embeds of Donald Duck angry-quacking

I swear to God I thought for a second that The Ballots were some also-ran indie band and you guys were determined not to learn your lesson about publishing open love letters to Paste Magazine third-stringers

Every year, for Christmas, my mom gets me a couple of cheapo Hello Kitty trinkets and I'm sure she will continue to do so until one of us croaks. My only real complaint is that she doesn't fuck with Badtz-Maru.

It's pearlescent pink, it's the circumference of a competitive gymnast's index finger, it's got a miniature cutesy-cyberpunk translucent bathtub-floor-grip flower thing on the end that claims to stimulate the g-spot even as we all know the only thing it really stimulates is the part of the brain that leads grown women

I think Paul Thomas is the shiny new 21st-century model! P.T. was the coked-up Late 90s Alt Boyfriend who wore glasses and banged Fiona Apple

That creator lineup sounds like the best dinner party guest list ever

Did he ever have a Diddy-style renaming ceremony to transition from P.T. to Paul Thomas or was it just something you were supposed to get on board with at the turn of the millennium

I would love to see a Super Bowl designed by the ad wizards in the AV Club comments section. Crowd-pleasing Black Keys halftime extravaganza, Troy and Abed in the commentators' booooooth, Fox robot replaced by some dude in a Dawes t-shirt who makes Futurama references at regular intervals, Puppy Bowl beats the main

Oh, I'm not saying it's in the AmeriKKKan DNA to suck at panel quiz shows - those guys live in the UK full-time, right? I think I stole a yellowed Sniglet book from my day care center in 1990, because I don't know why else I would even remember the guy, but it blew my fucking mind to learn that Rich Hall was alive and

We don't have them at all, which is why American comedians usually shit the bed when they show up on 'em

I am only like 45% a fan, but they should definitely run this trailer before every theatrical showing of War Horse

I think I would bro down with Klausner anytime but it is beyond embarrassing when people freak out like that over Internet Criticism. It'd be fair for her to have a gripe with AV Club commenters, but the editorial content…come on. It kills me when Aukerman has a hissy fit over that shit too - it's the kind of thing I

Analyze Phish is so entertaining. Honest answers to simple, straightforward questions about Phish make fantastic punchlines.

I actually like The Awl but it's hard to read Splitsider without feeling like you just let some dude who talks a lot about his improv classes bust a nut up your nose. Which of course some people are into, and why shouldn't they be.

I'm pretty sure that all animators are perverts and I know for a fact that obsessive neckbeards on the internet will jerk off to anything. I think there must be a disciplinary board at Disney that reviews every frame of animation Disney Princesses appear in to avoid creating a true cartoon Alison Brie

Yeah, she's so funny. Living cartoon character