Violet Crumbles

It is a joy to discover this post at a time when you have to scroll down to read the entire headline. "Portland group hopes to Kickstart erotic fiction," UGH NO, "about James Franco," YESSS HOIST BY HIS OWN IDIOT MFA STUDENT PARADIGMTARD

wait a minute, To Catch a Predator is back in production??

To me, this show really does feel like hanging out with a fun couple made kind of boring and annoying by the arrival of their new baby, but I'm not sure whether that's legitimate criticism or just typical AV Clubber resentment of all media that does not appeal directly to me. I think they really are pretty far from

He was new fat but I'm not entirely sure he realizes that he didn't actually diet his way back to youthful New Wave androgyny

I was just trying to pick out something a lot of male comedians openly indulge in that can pile up into a habit as expensive as a MAC addiction and be as dumb as the trashiest shit on TV. Even a lot of reasonably well-respected comics are basically like if House or SVU cost $3.50 to watch, ran six minutes an episode,

Yeah, Koski frames it as an explicit gripe with mean ol' hairy-pits feminism and she ends up going along with it, so what do I know - but I read the initial answer differently coming from a woman whose professional environment probably involves rubbing shoulders with guys who can internalize the complete history of

The AV Club is the perfect wrong audience for that episode

This would be a lot fancier - ME TV is like if a bunch of $3 TV-on-DVD bargain discs from that mystery bin at the grocery store took came to life and took over a television station

If Amelie has said anything at all about us I'm gonna guess that first one's a "no, never, ever, ever, leechblock the site if you have to"

I'm really excited for all the reasonable discussions we're going to have here

Hating Scott Pilgrim is cool, but giving it a C is a million times lamer than repping for Jack and Jill as brilliant pop deconstruction of the American Jewish experience

A for Alpaca

If Community and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic were cancelled on the same day they'd end up shutting down the internet for lack of use within a week

This comments section went from a nice place to wail and gnash teeth together to Worse Than Chuck Fans in like a quarter page

If Community ends up cancelled at the end of all this, they won't be able to say it was because the fans weren't annoying enough on the Internet. Where do we send our KFC receipts and sloppy-looking Gap men's blazers?

What do you call Relapse

He rocks it in private, like J. Edgar Hoover in his mom's clothes during a heavy-handed scene in an Oscar bait biopic

Don't think with your ghost dick, Ghost Tennessee Williams!! He must not be encouraged!

I haaaated the first-season episodes of Bored to Death I saw and generally dislike Jonathan Ames, but a while back I happened across a more recent episode while searching for, I don't even know, Kung Fu Panda on HBO2West, and now find it pretty charming and, if nothing else, harmless

You bet your sweet bippy that the next time I disagree with the internet popular consensus on an episode of Community my scathing comment will begin with "wake up, pond scum"