Violet Crumbles


It was a dramatic scaling-back rather than an outright cancellation, but in any case I was the biggest Girl Scout on two beKedsed feet in Second Grade. I make up for it now by making overly critical comments on the internet about people who were on Human Giant.

From the time some sweatpanty little shit got my second grade pizza party cancelled for hitting and making fart noises!

As someone with an embarrassing soft spot for awards shows and silly hope that Eddie Murphy will one day be convinced to give half a fuck, I currently hate Brett Ratner like he just got my second grade holiday pizza party cancelled for hitting and making fart noises

I mean, I'd watch the shit out of it, but yes. If he gets the Oscars once he'll just go on a media tour to Muse About It for the rest of his natural life.


In the Entourage movie, Vince will find himself stuck in a lousy work situation or bad contract - maybe something that prevents him from making a movie he wants to do. Late in Act II, Vince and the rest of the gang will run into Brett Ratner at a restaurant, where he tells them the story of how he orchestrated his

The mom in Family Circus had a short haircut but a womanly figure, kind of the Amber Rose of her day

The "evidence photos" on the page for that Awesome Cone case are beyond appalling but part of me is just jealously wondering what I could achieve armed with the kind of underfed sense of shame that'd let me live life with child molester glasses and a walrusbar moustache on my face and a dumbass food truck awning

I liked this interview very much but I don't really "get" his "books" "."

You need to go to Anglophile deprogramming camp if you feel shame that America has never produced a public wit on the level of an Alan Davies

Give my love to Ass Dan

Yeah, Kael always struck me as kind of a horny old broad. But there's no way anyone actually prefers Siskel to Kael and Ebert for reasons that are non-trolliy or, I suppose, sincere but rooted in hate rather than love, so who cares really.

John Hodgman can write all the books and appear on all the smart non-network comedies he wants but I'm pretty sure the real reason he was put on this Earth was to play Fat Waldo Decoy

Really hope that 'Noah's Arc' was intentional

Get him to take over The Hater; rename it Shit's Gay

To say nothing of Whole Foods shrimp platters

Last name just disappointed, first name not mad

Kenan just kept doing the same voice until Cee-Lo became mainstream-famous and suddenly they matched up

"This company isn't at the point where Gawker reports on our every dumb-assed move - put 'liking this show' in our list of weirdass 22-year-old white boy things that every Craigslist reader who shoots us a resume must comply with" - Groupon Editorial, c. Two Years Ago