Violet Crumbles

Jay Sherman is more sexual

I totally understand this perspective - I remember that at the time it was a major figure of pop culture villainy in some quarters, like if Family Guy had the nerve to force a crossover episode on the Simpsons. Having said that I think I have literally seen every episode at least ten times.

I like French films, pretentious, boring French films, I like French films, two tickets s'il vous plait

I generally agree that you are on a mental vacation in Mustard Cures AIDSland but I loved that line about Merkel and Sarkozy looking like Tintin characters

Whitney dressed up as Sarah Silverman

I have such a freakshow neurosis about the sound of people eating and I barely noticed this at all! Maybe I'm just a sucker for Chris Rock telling stories I've heard three times before

I have a vaguely formed picture of her in my mind of being a little fragile and psycho, but I have a Denis Peterson painting in my mind of Marc being fragile and psycho. I look forward to their 20-month marriage so long as they don't have kids or keep smart pets

I think Conan is pretty much running on fumes and goodwill but I'd watch him all the time if his show was like this week every week - would have been a perfect tone for his Tonight Show. It seems like such a stupid internet nerd easy fix, much like…when people would say that the Simpsons needed to have Conan write for

I am almost, almost at the point where I don't even enjoy sad TV nerd bitch fights anymore but Andy is funnier than Conan, let alone a robot gay joke dispenser. Now then, what are your thoughts on the UK Office as compared to the US version?

My mom could tell me a story about something that happened 20 minutes ago while we were in the same room and I would believe it less than I believe that Brett Ratner jerked off while eating shrimp

I never even liked Fraggle Rock that much but uh I had the theme song on my ipod at one point. Handclaps!!

The Heathcliff theme sounds like it should be playing over the credits of a deservedly forgotten Chevy Chase movie from 1986

I think 30 Rock and Parks and Rec both have exceptionally delightful theme songs

I refer to that as "James Franco status"

I think Alan Alda and Ruth Madoff go to the same artisan optometrist

I think he's going to be a good Oscars host, that is the depth of my sickness.

Casey Affleck is a perfect beautiful angel

Yeah, for sure. Dude can draw his ass off but I'd probably be just as happy to see him putting out halfassed sketchbooks until the end of time. There are about five cartoonists who I really, really love as both artists and writers and the rest is like eh, what are you gonna do

I feel like it has to be a halfassed goof of some kind but I want to register my appreciation for The Rabbi's Cat 2 anyway. Also, I would love to read that knit-off book if anyone does know what it is.

See minus sobriety, amirite