Violet Crumbles

Will Forte is actually really good-looking. Ben Gibbard looks like Unfrozen Caveman Flying Burrito Brother.

Mama always said to hold on to a man with a penchant for spa colonics

I'm weirdly impressed by his ability to maintain a career and live a functional life while cranking out "unemployed friend slowly losing touch with the outside world and debating whether it's worth it to replace their deodorant stick when it runs out" levels of social media dispatches

It seems like something should have been done to prevent that much cutesy coupledom from gathering in one place to compare notes, like when the judge in one of R. Kelly's trials wouldn't let him go the the Grammys unless he agreed not to share a table with Michael Jackson

Why won't it just add 10 likes if I click "like" 10 times

I can change him!!

Internet Person Violet Crumbles threatens to sue comedian Rob Delaney for writing for VICE and not even having the "it was 2004, everyone was doing it!" defense to stand behind

What I'm trying to say is: Asuka Rangure Soryu, it's time for you and me to send out save-the-date magnets

Let's do a pool where we bet on the date of the first marriage that grows out of an AV Club Community Open Thread

Come to maw maw

Im Gay (Im Exploring Sexual Liminalities And Pomo Conceptions Of The Cultural Landscape And You Dum-Dums Are All My Unwitting Pawns)

It's kind of weird how there aren't more really famous Gorgeous Idiot art school archetypes in Hollywood

Steve Martin doesn't even really look like Steve Martin anymore. I don't know whether it's unfortunate plastic surgery or the dissonant effect produced by the natural aging process of a guy who's had the hair of Diagnosis Murder Dick Van Dyke since his balls dropped

Brett Ratner is one of my top 5 favorite pop culture villains. Sometimes I root for him to win.

@avclub-c2ef3728d9ce090652f36c2e3d4783d0:disqus , don't you realize: He's Evil Abed

The most important plank in my platform as a heavy-breathing internet nerd on a tv discussion website is that they need to send Chris back to his home planet

I think you'll find that the elegant troll's stylebook dictates the phrasing It's Never Funny in Philadelphia


Community vs. Parks and Rec nerd wars are the new UK vs. US Office clusterfucks. A comment like this is the internet equivalent of taking a s'more break in a national park and leaving a few glowing embers behind when you're done

At first I thought these comments were stupid but now I realize that, in a twist ending, everyone who saw this article on the front page and went "FUCKIN'…THIS BULLSHIT ISN'T FIT TO RUB SHOULDERS WITH REAL SHIT FOR REAL MEN LIKE HAPPY ENDINGS RECAPS AND NEWS ABOUT WILCO POPCORN" is actually just going to end up