Violet Crumbles


At some point they'll just switch to a stop-motion animated puppet made out of shrunken apples

He and Aziz are both, I think, funny comic actors, then as standups they both come off kind of hacky and douchey but still funny to me, and then doing music is just a bridge too far. Remember the Randy mixtape??

Daniel Glass is like six months of evolution south of being the guy in first semester creative writing who lectures people about how hip-hop and rap are two different things and the latter is commercial garbage and the former is awesome and maybe they should get familiar with a guy named Aesop Rock

Man this dredged up a very vivid high school memory of realizing that the guy next to me on the schlumpy black leather couch at Borders was touching himself in full view of the people on the opposite couch and God and the whole travel books section. Buy a vinyl dust cover and call in an exorcist because that thing is

If you ever wanted to buy a copy of Watchmen from the Borders in Ann Arbor, MI but decided against it upon finding that its spine was all cracked to shit, thank a Young Violet Crumbles on shore leave from science camp

It is pretty crazy to think that Women and Children First outlived every single Borders, Crown Books, Kroch's & Brentano's, etc.

Will Arnett is a bona fide movie star who can not be trapped in the limiting finch cage that is the small screen!! Bring on 2 Brothers 2 Solomon

Skim past title "H8R," stop on picture of Mario Lopez in subtle Photoshop gradient void. Look back up at title "H8R," look back down at picture of Mario Lopez lost in void. Look back up at title "H8R," sound out "aich-eight-" look back down at Mario Lopez look back up "HATER UGGGGHHHH IT'S THAT SHOW FUCK THIS GAY

One out of three ain't bad

still tied up in negotiations with substitute lead singer Bo Bice

It took me a second to remember that this was A Real Thing That Happened and not a Simpsons reference I couldn't quite place

cursor wavering indecisively between "flag" and "like"

I am not gonna say that there are no "smart, independent and creative" women who would not be repelled by the name "Hello Giggles," but Jesus Christ.

Jeeves:those first names::butler:girl who bakes green tea whoopee pies and owns a lot of tights

I was imagining Lil Wayne skinnysaggies

Why do I laugh every time.

Pretty disappointing to learn that 'Secret Stash' is neither an examination of the shit Kevin Smith keeps in the cavernous pockets of his jorts nor an inventory of the weird odds and ends that turn up when you place his weekly dump in a fine-meshed sieve and turn a pressure washer hose on it

I would buy a Far Side desk calendar that was just 365 days of Cow Tools.

Oh god I thought these were moral freebies, like just terrible human beings whose awful behavior we enjoy for one reason or another. Andy Dick probably actually ejaculates potter wasps.