Violet Crumbles

Schoolboys in Disgrace is the only cover art I've ever actually made the effort to get off my ipod because I just didn't want to look at it ever

The title "Teargarden by Kaleidyscope" makes a lot more sense when you look at its cover art and realize that he's probably just outsourcing all his shit to a mildly creative nine-year-old girl these days

Most of these ugly covers are basically awesome
I like the Zuma art especially because it looks like it was commissioned from a physics professor who illustrates handouts and quizzes with his own cartoons

Down With Love

"satirists of"

Yeah, you could make something kind of simple and cool out of that basic setup but in execution it just seems tossed-together and halfbaked

The AV Club: A pop culture website for people who are totally out of touch with pop culture

I think you're right

The whole time that ad was running here I thought they were supposed to be identical twins posing as one lawyer

Haunted by Lindsay Lohan's discarded wino-sized vodka bottles and used tampons

It's nice that Gaga is making weirdass videos these days and Kesha…tries, but I still shudder to think that a generation is growing up without Missy Elliott videos

Bad Santa is a B-grade Terry Zwigoff film.

Literally shooting up a Unitarian church IRL in response to this outrage

I liked the Reader headline
'Conan O'Brien Can't Stop Bitching'

Twitter tells me that this is an official selection of the Open Books Book Club
I am not currently making plans to attend, but I am ONE HUNDRED MILLION PERCENT sure that they would really appreciate someone showing up to say "skloot that ass back up, baby - am I right??"

I thought the Gray Spy only showed up once in a blue moon anyway, it's not like every Spy vs. Spy comic published during the Kennedy administration ended with her winning because the other two couldn't see past their boners. Obviously this will be a hilarious cameo role for glamorous mother of six/classic cartooning

Sometimes I forget Elijah Wood and Tobey Maguire are two different people. Aren't they both supposed to like the cock, too? Single Pasty Franchise-Anchor Offbeat Teen Idol

Dikachu, The Faculty came out in like 1997 or 1998, but really a wife and kids and gray hair should be lesser turnoffs than that goatee

I love 2.5 Katy Perry songs despite myself and Teenage Dream is one of them. She is also disgustingly hot and while I like him I think Russell Brand's intelligence level is overstated.

He looks like Malcolm McDowell fucked a kangaroo or a long-faced llama