Violet Crumbles

Even if you watched an "edited for Mormon family viewing" version of Caligula you'd have to notice how well he pulled off those Guccione's Rome ceremonial skirted unitards so I call foul on that pullquote

Like if he dresses up like a werewolf and gets up in your blown out bung shoot. Did you not go to college?

I will say that it is totally watchable considering what a POS it is, though

Thank You For Smoking is def a glib piece of crap, but it doesn't have any real "message" - that's the problem. Filming something in the smirkiest, smuggest way possible doesn't automatically make it an Intelligent Satire

I think Jason Segel did this and just never bothered to put out a press release about it

I love Peter Sarsgaard and his slightly effeminate voice and his mammalian gecko face!!

With a Robert Smigel script! Admittedly You Don't Mess With The Zohan boasts the same thing but it still would have been more watchable than this

I think I just died seeing that drawing of the Whether Man for the first time since I was in kindergarten.

Yeah, I think I figured it was written by an already old guy in like 1935 when I read it as a little kid

The Incredible Philip Seymour Hoffman will always be the only gimmick for me

Oxygen Presents: The Boondock Saints Project
Open casting call for awful people with Dropkick Murphys tattoos, a single Irish grandparent, and dreams of becoming the lost third MacManus brother

That was my first thought. He'd have gotten better cover design if he'd done a small-press Christian YA fiction novel

I haven't seen this episode since I was a kid but I strongly suspect that upon a rewatch it would be one of those children's cartoons that were in retrospect clearly inspired by whatever weird shit got some pervy animator's dick sprang

How can we organize the Intolerable Cruelty boosters club to respond to IC dismissals as efficiently and loudly as if they were condescending lukewarm reviews of NKOTBSB concerts

I guess there are also the cases that combine "fronting" with "insane."

K&C is exactly what I thought of reading Ringleader of the Tormentors' post up top. that and Moby-Dick

I just meant in the sense that it's maybe mildly unappetizing to the overly-sensitive at worst and a fun novelty at best but that's a fair point.

I don't get how it's possible for cartoons to maintain a "cloak of faux-objectivity!" That's one of my favorite things about his schtick, if you're looking at drawings it helps you remember that you're just getting one dude's perspective