Violet Crumbles

Anyone who actually makes a stink over dealing with anteater dick is either fronting or insane. It's basically the penile version of a green potato chip, no more and no less

I wouldn't circumcise my (theoretical, god-forsaken, inheriting way worse problems than a stolen foreskin) kid but stuff like comparing it to FGM and making anti-semitic (and worse: poorly-drawn!) comics about it leads me to believe that everyone who makes a big stink about it is insane

I'm not sure whether I believe that it's in character for 4chan to give a shit about some dude not cracking the spine on his Library of America edition of the complete novels of Carson McCullers. I have yet to get around to Clock Without Hands, is it about diaper fetishism and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic?


I think Brunetti is v talented and all but when he's not absolutely firing on all cylinders or doing something really funny and fucked-up it is easy for me to roll my eyes at him as I am inclined to do with all self-loathing middle-aged men who like Peanuts. Sacco though, this dude rules forever! I saw him In

Rachel Getting Married is the intersection of the giant expensive wedding with the Etsy wedding, the latter of which, as Srs Pstr alludes to, is usually (but not necessarily) at least a little bit less of an orgy of conspicuous consumption than the former. I hear that Robyn Hitchcock guest appearances are the hot new

Oh my god
It's going to be amazing when everyone who ever sent in a picture to a dumb "bride in an Etsy dress, groom in a brown suit, clever reception placecards that look like if McSweeney's did wedding letterpress" narcissistic indie wedding porn blog hits their late thirties and all of a sudden narcissistic indie

Carson McCullers
I'm usually too lazy and inert to fall into rereading long novels, but something like The Member of the Wedding you can pick up to check the wording in the opening paragraph or something and just end up reading the whole thing by accident

Man, all the Live From New York mentions got me thinking that someone should do a similar book for The Simpsons, I didn't realize it actually happened. My copy of Live From New York fell apart from all the time I spent reading it in high school and the same thing happened with that Simpsons episode guide book they put

Realest of talk

Academy Award Nominee Daniel Tosh

This is an actual thing that I'm arguing on the internet.

Superman and Batman are the only first-tier DC characters. Even Wonder Woman is second-tier.

Daredevil is the ultimate View-Hobbyist

I saw ~85% of the Daredevil movie on HBO in a Holiday Inn once and thought it was surprisingly okay. There is almost no doubt in my mind that this new one will be an unwatchable faux-serious Wizard subscriber horrorshow.

I'm really glad that somebody realized that this is far more worth seizing upon than any opportunity for a Ben Affleck's Shitty Career or Frank Miller's Weird Pecadilloes joke you might have stored in your quiver. That is like some shit they'd take out of Tropic Thunder because it was too broad.

I think it's totally fair to goof on every single one of these second-string superhero movies. Why on earth did anyone spend millions of dollars on a Green Lantern movie. Why on earth do I kinda want to see it.

Katherine Heigl died on the way back to her home planet

#hashtag rap is the downfall of Canada

"Do you know who's in it? G. Gordon Liddy." "Who's that?"